
Posts Tagged ‘NoQuarter’

Okay in keeping with the title of the post I will say I’m happy we are moving toward a world where these things will someday not matter. The Democrats are officially the first major party to nominate an African American for POTUS and this will go down in the history books for that reason! Congrats to African Americans, the Democratic Party and all Americans for that! Hopefully we will soon be at a point where this becomes so commonplace it is a non-issue. A nation that values it’s people based on their character and their contributions not their race, religion or gender.

Now on to the OTHER reasons this election cycle will go down in history some of which are not nearly as noble or celebratory. What am I talking about you might be asking?

This election cycle will definitely go down in the history books as the year when the Democrats moved as far away from the concept of democracy as they possibly could without actually changing the party name to Kommies for Amerrikka! The tactics used in this primary season were straight from the GOP playbook with one major exception.

The GOP has a rule: Never use dirty tactics against other Republicans. Against the other side it is expected, even encouraged. By all means use every dirty, underhanded, manipulative and fear-maongering tactic at your disposal against the “enemy” whether they be Dems or Independants, Libertarians or The Green Party. Mission seek and destroy! But never, nver, ever use those tactics to attack a fellow Republican!

This year during the primary season we saw caucus manipulation  (really in many instances it was out-right cheating, coercion by intimidation and the use of learned and practiced “shout ’em down” thug tactics),  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGZFgMNM-UU   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXNqFQmGxDU&feature=related 

Voter Registration Fraud ACORN and CSI (Volunteers were in some cases filling out registration sheets and forms with random names from the phone book or just made up to insure they got paid. Apparently they were paid according to quotas as in per X amount of registrations. Brilliance I tell ya’!), http://noquarterusa.net/blog/2008/08/20/money-laundering-scandal/  http://noquarterusa.net/blog/2008/08/22/acorn-%e2%80%93-csi-%e2%80%93-obama-someone-else-noticed/

Race-bating including portraying the only Two-Term Democratic President in the last 40 years and someone who has done more for racial equality and the black community than The One ever has or will as a racist. This tactic was used, falsley, against Bill and Hillary Clinton and anyone who supported either one of them or anyone who did not support Barrack Obama. The smearing of good Democrats with proven records of fighting good causes and striving for equality and a better life for all Americans was done not by Republicans as we are used to but by our fellow Democrats who used this as a club to beat the competition with.

All through the primaries we were deluged with Clinton hate and smears against the former Clinton Administration all the while being told that it was Hillary and Bill who were “smearing and fear-mongering”. They went on and on about things like the supposed “tarnishing” of the party by the Monica scandal and the “anything to win” tactics they accused the Clinton campaign of all the while trying very hard to smear and erase all the truly good things that were accomplished in the 90’s.

You know things like eliminating a huge deficit and leaving an actual surplus. That in itself was an unprecedented achievement. Things like improvements to our educational system, programs for families with young children and the pride we felt about our reputation in the world.

I could go on for quite a while on the things that the Clinton Administration did for our country. Things that sadly have been squandered and left by the side of the road like unwanted trash by the current administration. People had jobs, were able to pay their bills and buy homes.

Back to the race baiting here’s the real kicker. No matter what criticism was made about Obama it was all immediately branded as racist. He’s inexperienced – Racist, He’s an elitist – Racist, Tire gages won’t solve the energy crisis and bring down gas prices – Racist, not qualified – Racist, Rezco, Wright, Farrakkan, Auchi – all Racist claims according to camp Obama. FISA, Cheney’s Energy bill and his stance on the Born Alive Act – Racist. In fact by now you should be able to see a pattern here.

According to the Obama camp and the “powers that be” (DNC Leadership) any and all criticism of The One is deemed Racist and politicly incorrect regardless of whether or not it’s true. Got it? He’s PERFECT! Anyone who says otherwise is… you guessed it, racist. Did you get the memo folks?

From: DNC

To: Voters

There is no reason to vote against or refuse to support Obama that is not motivated by racism and bigotry. End of story. This is the official party line and is the ONLY sanctioned response. Please keep in mind that we are the PROGRESSIVE party and as such NO DISSENT will be tolerated! Party members choosing to ignore this edict will be subject to threats, intimidation and possibly the stripping of credentials as well as expulsion from the party.


Howie, Nancy, Harry and Donna

P.S. Don’t forget to donate!

Okay, okay! So it’s not a real memo but it could very well have been and it’s definitely been implied.

Meanwhile it was never said but always understood that these same rules did not apply to the distinguished Senator from New York. In fact it was open season on Hillary Clinton, former President Clinton and the legacy left by his administration. Camp Obama tried with all their might to re-write the hisory of the 90’s as a hard and terrible time fraught with shame, scandal and poverty.

Well folks as a person who was actually old enough to be paying my own bills in the 90’s I can tell you that NONE of that was true. There were plenty of jobs, the banks were not going under every other day, people could afford to purchase homes for their families and even afford to send those families to college. Our country was actually respected as a leader in Democracy and Diplomacy. Something Obama has no clue about.

That’s why it hasn’t stuck. Try as they might to paint the Clintons with a terrible legacy of a failed economy and national history the facts speak otherwise. LOUDLY!

Here’s is another reason this will go down in the history books. This is the first election to my knowledge where Democrats not only attacked fellow Dems but decreed any and all dissent must be squashed by any means necessary. Long time Democratic websites and blogs began ceremoniously kicking out members who expressed displeasure with the candidate de’ jour. Blogs were spam bombed in coordinated attacks that the attackers actually bragged about on their own sites.

Even the normal political attack ads that we typicaly see every election year have been not just scrutinized but demonized and even now camp Obama is threatening legal action against the donors of a 527 group for making an ad that frankly, tells the truth about The One’s close relationship with one William Ayers. (Remember Obama said he was just some guy in his neighborhood?) In fact Obama’s first political campaign was launched from the very same William Ayers’ home in Chicago!

That’s right he wants to put the people who made the ad and those who contributed money to the group behind bars for daring to speak against The One, for speaking the truth!

Here is the first letter to the station managers:


Here’s a post about the entire fiasco:


Then apparently they sent a second letter actually threatening legal action against the stations airing the ad, the group who made it and the donors who contributed. I’m trying to find the link to the second letter. I should know to save these things! If anyone else has a link please post it and I’ll add it in.

Here it is.


And finally the rebuttal from the groups legal advisors:


My how progressive and liberal of the Obama people! How Democratic! I’m so glad they believe in free speech and all!

Thanks to Obamabi.com for the video.

Seriously folks these people are far worse than even the Republicans. Democrats do not quell dissent! They do not quash free speech and they do not use coercion, threats and propaganda techniques to control and distort messages!

At least REAL Democrats don’t! Obamacrats? Well that’s another story! These people have more in common with Hitler and Stalin than FDR or JFK. They would never have tried to shut people up from their own party and they never would have stood for treating other people, much less Democrats, with anything less than the respect any American deserves!

Shame on Barrack Obama and his followers for this will surely go down in the history books as the time when our party lost it’s way and turned to facism rather than using actual principals, facts and decency to argue their case!

There’s always more but I’m going to stop for now.



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