
Posts Tagged ‘nuance’

Before I get too carried away this morning  I want to give props to a fellow (or sister as the case may be) blogger Madamab who also loves satire and like me seems to be able to sit on ice cream and tell what flavor it is. (That means I’m a smart-ass and sorry Madamab I guess I just called you one too but I meant it in the most sincere and admiring way!)

There is a link to her latest below. Too funny! Here’s a favorite line or two of mine from this piece. Just to give you a little taste and whet your appetites!

BRAZILE [faux-fended]: For Pete’s sake, Hillary, what the hell am I doing here? I’m neutral! How could I be guilty? Don’t you know I work for CNN?

[Brief pause]

ALL except BRAZILE: HAHAHAHAHA! [BRAZILE glares at everyone, then slowly breaks into a grin and laughs along with them]

HILLARY [wiping her eyes]: Whew! Thanks for the laugh, Donna. That really broke the ice! [returning to seriousness] Okay, are we ready to get down to business?

I LOVE IT! And then there’s this:

OBAMA [offended]: Who, me? Are you kidding? I AM the Democratic Party! I moved the DNC to Chicago! I’m Obama for America! And besides, everyone loves me. Yes, I can!

HILLARY [unable to keep silent]: Oh, for god’s sake, Barack, you don’t believe your own propaganda, do you? Save it for your deluded worshipers in the blogosphere!

AXELROD [aside to Obama]: Yeah, Barack. I told you that most of those [makes air quotes with his hands] “anonymous supporters” work for me anyway.



Sigh! If only we would get to hear Hillary REALLY SAY THIS TO BARKY! Do yourself a favor and check out the rest of the play. Unlike me, Madamab seems to know how to spin a yarn AND keep it short and sweet. I think yours truly could learn a thing or two about that!

This one is quite a hoot as well. I’ll restrict myself to one quote just because I loved it so much I can’t NOT quote it!

BOLTEN [jumping in]: Yes, sir, it sure is! Anyway, what the Vice President is saying, is that the Democrats nominated the one guy who couldn’t win this year. The Democratic base doesn’t like him, and he’s managed to piss off a lot of people so much that they started their own movement.

BUSH: Oh yeah – that PUMA stuff. Can you believe that some morons think those PUMA idiots are Republicans? We wouldn’t stand for that shit in our house, would we Turd Blossom?

[KKKARL ROVE steps out from behind a curtain.]

ROVE: No, we sure wouldn’t. The idiots in our party wanted Huckabee. We put a stop to that crap right away.

I agree with Dick. The Democratic Party won’t win the White House in November. We’ve got our ads all ready to go – we’re just waiting in case the Democrats come to their senses and nominate Hillary.

HAHAHAHA!!! Here’s the link to the rest. Enjoy! 



OK! Emergency avoided! Wheew!

Now that I’ve got that under control I’ll get back to the point. You will not hear this in the media. You won’t hear it said in public unless it is spoken in hushed wispers. You won’t hear it from the DNC that I absolutely assure you! Having said that I’m going to say what most of us, especially those of us who are PUMAS already know. THIS IS NOT OVER YET!

The Denver Group   http://thedenvergroup.blogspot.com/ and PUMAPAC http://blog.pumapac.org/ as well as many other groups are doing everything they can to get Hillary the respect she deserves in Denver by demanding that her name be on the ballot and the traditional Roll Call takes place. If you can do anything to help in any of these efforts please do so. I will also say that if they DON’T GIVE HILLARY THE RESPECT SHE DESERVES AND HAS EARNED there will be a hefty price to pay! We Hillarycrats won’t riot or burn the city or anything as unseemly and immature as that.

No, instead we will systematicly vote out every Democrat who did not support Hillary, Fair Reflection, the will of the people and the core principals of the Democratic Party! Every Democrat who tried to gloss over the inconvienent reality of the situation and instead tried to force this faux-unity crap down our throats all the while recieving what amounts to the political version of a blowjob (cabinet positions, fundraising ect.)  in exchange for their loyalty to the standard bearer of the “New Marxocratic, ooops, I mean Democratic Party”

In addition I feel fairly confident that Hillary will take the MI/FL decision to the credentials committee regardless because, hang on Obamabots if you’re listening, because IT’S THE RIGHT THING TO DO! Yup! That’s right! Hillary will stand up for those voters who did their civic duty (Some Obama supporters may not know about this as Civics is unforunately no longer taught in school.) and voted their concience for President for which their “reward” was being told that their vote didn’t count or at least didn’t count for as much as everybody else’s votes and oh, by the way since one candidate removed himself from the ballot the RBC decided that the votes that were cast should be altered to reflect votes that weren’t cast! This has to be the most undemocratic, uninspired, and frankly the most unintelligent decisions the party has ever made!

I think Hillary will fight for them as she has always fought for all of us. I think she will fight for their rights because in spite of all the heat she has taken for it, Hillary has always fought for what is right and fighting for Florida and Michigan to be treated fairly and with respect is what is right.

So for all those unity pushers who think they can threaten us or smooth us over or better yet try to ignore us think again sweeties, it aint over till it’s over! You cannot win votes with the above mentioned tactics. In fact you are doing the exact opposite. More of us than before say we won’t vote Obama and our numbers continue to grow fueled by his arrogance and that of his supporters. If you think you can win without us then you truly are delusional. There are 18 million of us who know your guy is a fraud, an empty suit, in short a loser.

Come to your senses people! Delegates! Abort this fary-tale with no chance of fruition that is the Obama Campaign! Back away from the cool-ade before it’s too late! You’re country needs you to do the right thing! Get Hillary Clinton nominated and elected! She can win! We need her! With Obama we are doomed!

PUMAS know this and they are working behind the scenes and PUMAS are not republicans I assure you. PUMAS are the core of the party, the people who vote and fight to protect us all! PUMAS are smart enough to know that advertising is usually created to attract and distract as in make you think this new thing is just what you need and don’t look at this it’s a work in progress you know, unfinished and all that. Hey looky over here instead!

PUMAS know real meat (substance) when they see it! Clinton has plenty of subtance and the fortitude to stand when others fall back. (FISA anyone?) She’s the real deal and if she’s not the nominee the party will regret it. Obama will lose and we will have 4 more years of GOP in the Whitehouse. NOT what I or any other democrat wants but at least the devil we know is better than the devil we don’t. I shudder to think about an Obama presidency. What that would do to our country, how many of our rights would he pander away for his own agenda? Would this country even be recognizable? I doubt it. We’d all be wearing brown shirts and jack boots in no time.


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