
Posts Tagged ‘Politicly Correct’

Entry for May 09, 2008
Political Correctness and it’s roll in the Democratic Primary

Ok I guess in a way we have modern American society to blame for the current situation. Well, that and the mainstream media with whom I place a good deal of blame as well.

Unfortunately, this is a case of good intentions gone wrong, horribly wrong! We all know being “PC” is, or at least it started out that way, is all about politeness and not making folks feel dicriminated against or sterotyped.

Having said that I think we also know that often this can go too far overboard and cause the very thing it is meant to protect against. For instance, we often go so far to not discriminate against one perceived group that we in fact reverse-discriminate and consequently discriminate against those not in that group. Not the intended consequences but the result all the same.

This is playing out daily in the current primary. The proof is in the pudding as they say. Just look around and you can’t help but trip over that proof even if we are constantly being told otherwise by the above mentioned “media”.

We keep hearing how people “should” vote Obama because it’s history in the making! “Black people have never been this close before and should be allowed to be proud.”

I’ve heard them all but they fail to mention it is also an historic first for a woman to get this far. Women have also been held down and discriminated against. We want to be proud too. (In fact we ARE quite proud of Senator Clinton, the first woman to get this far and the candidate who can take the heat and stay in the kitchen until the much anticipated “cake” is done! No pre-mature “Mission Accomplished” speeches from her!)

Any and every attempt by Senator Clinton, her surragates, supporters and the occasional brave, honest news report to oppose Senator Obama is immediately met with an outcry of racisim. even expressing any positive opinions about senator Clinton on most internet message boards will be met with strident cries of the same ilk.

It is a shame that we have come to the point wher one cannot express their opinion without being labled racist even when the opinion has nothing at all to do with race. Simply stating a preference for another candidate or saying anything at all in the vein that you have questions or qualms about Senator Obama and you are racist. Plain and simple, that’s it, there is no argument allowed.

No matter that the “media” has been talking for weeks about how Obama could get the “White Blue Collar Vote” and saying it’s a problem for him (You know because of us “Racists!) but should a surrogate or even the candidate herself mention this problem and point out that she has strength in this area and she is “Playing the Race Card”. Funny, I thought she was making a legitimate point. The DNC needs those votes to win in November and we WILL lose without them.

That’s a fact. You can look it up and verify it. However according to Sernator obama, his surragates, supporters and the “Talking Heads” (media pundits) it is NOT a fact, it is blatant racisim.

I ask you this, who is being blind and naive here? Do these people really think they can win the election with their “elite” and African American base alone? Do they not understand the concept of an election and the fact that this great country is full of all kinds of people from all kinds of backgrounds and therefore to win we must appeal to as many of these people as possible?

Apparently they do not understand this and they are seriously deluded if they think this country will elect someone who can’t grasp this fact.

Senator Obama, quit whining and crying “racisim”. Try to stand up and be the leader you portray yourself as and stand on your merits and not
on guilt tactics. In short Senator, grow up and fight fair or go home!

To supporters of Senator Obama and the “Media”: Don’t call me racist and claim I won’t vote for a black president because in fact, I would vote for black president, just not for Barrak Obama as he is too in-experienced, he has far too many “friends” who can be traced to terrorists and he is not qualified for the job. Oh, yeah I almost forgot the last and most important reason: He can’t win because of the above mentioned faults and the “Anti-American, Anti-White vibes he gives off. Most voters don’t care for that kind of stuff.

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