
Posts Tagged ‘Threats’

Apparently the earth is coming to it’s end! Got up this morning and turned on the news for a check of the weather and what did I see?

An actual MSM outlet (NBC) reporting that the Supreme Court will hold a conference today regarding the eligibility status of Obama! Of course they also said they it was “unlikely that the court will hear the case”.

I literally almost fell off the couch and I’m thankfull I was not sipping my morning coffee at the time! I screamed “Oh my God! It’s on the news!” while clutching my husband’s arm.

After months and months of people trying to get MSM to report what’s going on why now?

Easy answer is that they did not want to take the chance that they would be wrong and the Supreme Court might actually agree to hear the case. They would look like exactly what they are. Biased and in the tank. Can’t just let people find out they have not been doing their jobs. (Eyes rolling!) Like we haven’t seen that for the entire election cycle from the primaries up through the general election.

Most people have known for a long time they are not interested in doing their jobs or the truth. Only getting the Big Zero elected.

Some have even called them O’s 527 groups. That’s how obvious their bias and lack of integrity, proffessionalism and journalistic standards has been.

OMG! They are doing an in-depth report now as I type! Of course it’s a bunch of hooey! They are claiming the  COLB on his website is proof and that Hawaii “said” he was born there. Not true.

In fact Hawaii verified that he has a long form Birth Certificate, or Certificate of Live Birth, far different and more detailed than the Certification of Live Birth he has posted on Fight the Smears, that it is on file and they have seen it. They have not said that it verifies he was born there because by their own admssion they cannot divulge that information without either the permission of Obama or a court order requiring them to release it.

Actually, the state of Hawaii does not even accept the short form Certification of Live Birth for verification purpses in order to recieve state benifits because there is not sufficient information to verify squat on the document presented by Obama as “proof” of his citizenship status.

Also Hawaii allows for registration of births for a period of up to one year after the birth and because they allow persons born out of state and even out of the country to register birth records with the state and recieve, get this, a Certification of Live Birth rather than a Certificate of Birth which contains such information as actual place of birth, hospital, signature of witnesses, signature of attending physician and more. Don’t believe  me? Fine. Here it is from The State of Hawaii’s own website.

A. From Hawaii’s official Department of Health, Vital Records webpage: “Amended certificates of birth may be prepared and filed with the Department of Health, as provided by law, for 1) a person born in Hawaii who already has a birth certificate filed with the Department of Health or 2) a person born in a foreign country (applies to adopted children). 


B. A parent may register an in-state birth in lieu of certification by a hospital of birth under HRS 338-5.


C. Hawaiian law expressly provides for registration of out-of-state births under HRS 338-17.8.  A foreign birth presumably would have been recorded by the American consular of the country of birth, and presumably that would be reflected on the Hawaiian birth certificate.


D. Hawaiian law, however, expressly acknowledges that its system is subject to error.  See, for example, HRS 338-17.


E. Hawaiian law expressly provides for verification in lieu of certified copy of a birth certificate under HRS 338-14.3.


F. Even the Hawaii Department of Home Lands does not accept a certified copy of a birth certificate as conclusive evidence for its homestead program.  From its web site:  “In order to process your application, DHHL utilizes information that is found only on the original Certificate of Live Birth, which is either black or green. This is a more complete record of your birth than the Certification of Live Birth (a computer-generated printout). Submitting the original Certificate of Live Birth will save you time and money since the computer-generated Certification requires additional verification by DHHL

So there it is in black and white with links to the actual laws. As you can see the state even admits that the system is subject to errors and that even a person born out of the state or out of the United States can apply for and receive a  “Birth Certificate” in Hawaii. It does not prove they were “natural born citizens” of either Hawaii or the US. In fact ONLY the information contained on the long form Certificate of Live Birth can verify that. Apparently there is a vast difference between the Certificate and a Certification.

For a more detailed report on this and why it matters read this post from American Thinker.

A. Associated Press reported about a statement of Hawaii Health Department Director Dr. Fukino, “State declares Obama birth certificate genuine.”

B. That October 31, 2008 statement says that Dr. Fukino “ha[s] personally seen and verified that the Hawai’i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures.  That statement does not, however, verify that Obama was born in Hawaii, and as explained above, under Hawaiian policies and procedures it is quite possible that Hawaii may have a birth record of a person not born in Hawaii.  Unlikely, but possible.

C.  The document that the Obama campaign released to the public is a certified copy of Obama’s birth record, which is not the best evidence since, even under Hawaiian law, the original vault copy is the better evidence.  Presumably, the vault record would show whether his birth was registered by a hospital in Hawaii.

D. Without accusing anyone of any wrongdoing, we nevertheless know that some people have gone to great lengths, even in violation of laws, rules and procedures, to confer the many benefits of United States citizenship on themselves and their children.  Given the structure of the Hawaiian law, the fact that a parent may register a birth, and the limited but inherent potential for human error within the system, it is possible that a parent of a child born out-of-state could have registered that birth to confer the benefits of U.S. citizenship, or simply to avoid bureaucratic hassles at that time or later in the child’s life. 

1. We don’t know whether the standards of registration by the Department of Health were more or less stringent in 1961 (the year of Obama’s birth) than they are today.  However, especially with post-9/11 scrutiny, we do know that there have been instances of fraudulent registrations of foreign births as American births.

2. From a 2004 Department of Justice news release about multiple New Jersey vital statistics employees engaged in schemes to issue birth certificates to foreign-born individuals:  “An individual who paid Anderson and her co-conspirators for the service of creating the false birth records could then go to Office of Vital Statistics to receive a birth certificate . . . As part of the investigation, federal agents executed a search warrant of the HCOVS on Feb. 18, 2004, which resulted in the seizure of hundreds of suspect Certificates of Live Birth which falsely indicated that the named individuals were born in Jersey City, when in fact, they were born outside the United States and were in the United States illegally . . . Bhutta purchased from Goswamy false birth certificates for himself and his three foreign-born children.”

3.  Even before 9/11, government officials acknowledged the “ease” of obtaining birth certificates fraudulently.  From 1999 testimony by one Social Security Administration official:  “Furthermore, the identity data contained in Social Security records are only as reliable as the evidence on which the data are based. The documents that a card applicant must present to establish age, identity, and citizenship, usually a birth certificate and immigration documents-are relatively easy to alter, counterfeit, or obtain fraudulently.”

The American Thinker article written by Joe the Farmer is well written and researched with all the links embedded so you can go check them out for yourself and it covers much more than I have written here. Go check it out.
Then if you still need more convincing read this piece at ireport wich effectively de-bunks the de-bunkers. http://www.ireport.com/docs/DOC-156768

And finally if you have any doubts that O and his cronies have been working to get around this requirement for quite some timecheck out this 26 page pdf file written by a Chicago lawyer with ties to Obama that outlines why they feel this constitutional requirement is “outdated” and should be abolished. 

Is the requirement outdated? I’m not qualified to answer that. Maybe it is maybe not. Maybe it should be axed or maybe not. Regardless it IS the law as it stands now and therfore it MUST be followed and respected as such.

Why has The One spent over $800,000 on lawyers fighting this. Why won’t he simply show the proof instead of hiding behind technicalities like lack of standing and lack of an established proceedure requiring verification?

That’s right he’s NOT arguing that he is in fact “natural born” but rather his lawyers are arguing that the voters do not have standing or an established method requiring him to show verification and that the voters can’t show injury that would result byhis taking office if in fact he is ineligible.

I’d say that the voters ultimitely have standing and the injury would be the fact that anything he does, any international treaties or agreements he might sign or any person he appoints would be illigitimate if he were in fact proven ineligible.

Not to mention all those voters who sent him $600+ million dollars for his campaign who, were he proved to be ineligible, would have been frauded by a candidate who had no business soliciting funds for a campaign for an office he could not legally hold. I’d say that would qualify as standing and proof of injury in my book but we’ll have to wait and see what the Supreme Court says.

Let’s just pray, send positive thoughts and vibes or whatever your personal preference might be that the Courtin it’s wisdom will decide to hear the case and judge it on it’s merits rather than do the easy thing and not “rock the boat” out of fear and tredipation.

Our country, it’s citizens and our Laws deserve better than that. at the very least they deserve respect from the man who might be sworn in to the highest office in the land and would be sworn to uphold and protect the Constitution as well as all of our laws.

Seriously, the Court needs to hear this case if only to set the minds of voters atease and to establish asystem for verification or vetting of all future candidates once and for all.

There was a candidate on the ballot in 5 states, Roger Calero, born in Nicaragua, who was a candidate for president of the United States for the Socialist Workers Partythat no one bothered to vett properly either. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R%C3%B3ger_Calero

Apparently he was on the ballot in 5 states in the 2008 election and in 9 states in 2004 in spite of the fact he was born in Nicaragua and therefore is not eligible for the office. How can this happen? The Supreme Court must hear this case and provide some insight or solution to prevent this in the future or abolish the requirement altogether.

Finally Mr. Obama must show the American voters he respects them, their country, it’s laws, it’s courts and it’s Constitution and he must step up to the plate and prove his eligibility if he can do so. He should do so out of respect but also because it is not fair to leave the voters with these doubts. It will not just go away and his presidency will never be considered legitimate unless he does this.

What do you say Mr. Obama? Please be a man and show the integrity required by the office you seek. If indeed you are “natural born” and eligible then what do you have to lose?


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Here is radio host Roger Hedgecock interviewing Jessica Huges about a simple phone call that prompted a visit from the FBI.

All of America needs to be aware that this type of thing really does happen.

Am I alone in thinking this is completely out of control? The woman speaks her mind and gets a visit from the Secret Service and a bogus claim that she made a death threat? Admonishments for rudeness? From Obama supporters no less. We all know how polite they are! (Eyes rolling, throwing up in my mouth a little!)


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I’ve been hearing for a while now the common theme that  the McCain/Palin camp is supposedly inciting racism, hatred and violence. See https://caffinequeen.wordpress.com/2008/10/08/newest-obamacrat-talking-point/  for more on this.

 It has even been “proclaimed” that Mac and his supporters are trying to get someone to assassinate The One. Total BULLSHIT! Just another “poor me the victim” claim from camp Obama and it’s just as false as all the rest.

I’ve read and heard many say that the anger expressed by supporters at McCain/Palin events is “out of control rage and racism” and that supposedly McCain isn’t doing enough to stop it. I’d say it’s more like they don’t want this socialist in control of the country and they are angry because the race is close when they think it should be a slam dunk for Mac against the worst candidate ever.

I feel the same way. I cannot believe the people who tell me they are not at all concerned about Obama’s radical associates, his connection to foriegn and domestic terrorists, his ties to ACORN (Yes he IS tied to ACORN in a very big way), his affection for radical religious leaders like Rev. Wright, Father Phleger, Louis Farrakkan and more. Mostly radical religious leaders who peddle hate speech as sermons.

Not only that but these are the same people (Obamabots) who have posted things on The Daily Kos and even the Official DNC website not only advocating but in some cases out right calling for physical and/or sexual violence against Hillary Clinton and many of these hateful posts are still on display for all to see while any reference to anything not positive about The One is immediately deleted and the user(s) banned and admonished as haters and racists.

Remember the “Bros Before Hoes” T-Shirts or all posts about “Hitlery” or all the times even MSM seemed to say she should be taken in a room by someone and “only he comes out”? I suppose that was in no way inciting hatred or violence?

This from the campaign that told supporters “I want you to get in their face”, and “if they bring a knife then we’ll bring a gun”. The wonderful candidate who has blogs from his supporters on his own website demanding that they commit to making sure Obama got the nomination “by any means necessary” and the same supporters who have written numerous blogs and essays about how “violence and rioting will ensue” if Obama is not the next president.

This from the guy that went to Kenya on the taxpayers’ dime to campaign for his cousin Ralia Odinga. You know the guy that lost his first attempt at power and incited race riots, ethnic cleansing and general chaos afterward claiming that the election was “stolen” from him though it was clearly not. The guy who won his second attempt in large part because of those tactics and the fact that he basicly bought the support of radical muslims by promising to install Sharia Law. The cousin who took notes from Obama on how to do this. If you don’t beleive me read up on Odinga. Or you can watch this video. 

Seriously these Obama supporters have been the nastiest, the rudest, the most hateful and violent I have ever encountered in an election cycle. They will threaten, stalk, hack whatever it takes to supress any views other than their own. I have heard of more death threats and threats of violence and various reprisals from Obama supporters than should ever be allowed and yet I have not once seen him try to reign them in.

Well , he did say that the families were off limits after his supporters and his official surrogates had already been smearing sarah Palin and her children for a week or so. It’s easy to speak out after the damage is done.

Suddenly telling the truth is racist and hateful. I had one message from an Obama supporter saying that she did not care one bit about his relationship with Bill Ayers and she wouldn’t care even if he were still doing the despicable things he did back then. It would have absolutely no effect on her decision making!

I have to wonder if these people are all complete nuts. Anyone who doesn’t care if the candidate they want to see in the white house has friendships with terrorists really isn’t smart enough to vote. Sorry but there it is. If you can seriously look at all his associations and think  nothing of it you are a fucking idiot of the highest order.

Seriously does this guy have even one friend or associate that is not either a criminal, a terrorist, a radical hate monger or a far-left nutjob? Not even one normal friend?

How many of us would have this number of anti-American leaning friends? All we hear from camp Obama is how he’s the poor widdle victim of hate and wacism and the mean ol repubwicans are trying to kiwl him! (Sorry for the tweety bird speak I just can’t help it)

Ever notice no matter what happens or who says or does what Obama attacks then claims he is attacked. he is always the “victim” and those of us who love America and democracy are always the “bullies”. Funny because if you look around you won’t see threats from Hillary Clinton supporters or from McCain/Palin supporters. That is unless you consider people saying they won’t vote for Ovbama a threat. I don’t. I call it a promise!



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I’m so tired of all the sore loser and bitter dead-ender comments out there. They want to spin this party implosion as being all about Hillary Clinton’s supporters being “spiteful”.

I know you’ve seen it. It’s everywhere. According to these commenters we are voting against Obama only to spite him because he “won” and Hill “lost”. I guess they got tired of calling us racists and republicans. Maybe it was getting old and not sticking. Now they’re on a “spoiled brat, spiteful, sore loser, bitter, old hag” stchick.

When will these people ever figure out that name calling, guilt trips, scare tactics, threats and intimidation is NOT the way to win votes or recruit support? Did they ever hear the phrase “You will catch more flies with honey than vinegar.”? Guess not.

Here’s the truth. Are we pissed off that Hillary Clinton the distinguished Senator from New York, former First lady of the USA and the best candidate to come along in years is not our party’s nominee? Damn right we are! Are we voting against and refusing to support Obama soley because of that anger and dissapointment? Hell NO!

There may be a few Clinton supporters who would disagree with me and say it’s their only reason but truthfully there are very few who feel that way. Sure we’re all bummed but I was bummed when Kerry won the nomination in 2004 as I have been bummed many other times but I still voted for him.

Recently I had some coment made asking me whether I would have voted for George Bush out of spite if it had been Hillary who lost the nomination to Kerry. Answer? NO and Hell NO! He wasn’t my choice and I didn’t like it but I voted for him. Why? I trusted him more than I would ever trust Bush. I didn’t like him that much but he was by far the lesser of two evils in that situation. This is NOT the case in this election cycle. Far from it in fact.

People who try to tell me that Obama’s policies are “nearly identical” might as well save their breath because it’s bullshit. His policies, are a parade of ever changing pandering that even some of my far left friends who supported him are having a hard time keeping up with. Whatever they are today you can rest assured they will be different tomorrow or as soon as it becomes politically expedient that he change them. Again.

Pure and simple, straight from this horse’s mouth, so to speak. We will not vote for him because he is not the right person for the job.  He is not even close. No choice for VP, not even Hillary would have ever made up for that. We don’t think he’s up for the job and more important than that we DO NOT TRUST HIM!

He has proven to be naive at best in his reaction to the current Russia/Georgia conflict as well as incompetent on almost every other major issue. Were he to become the POTUS it is my sincere belief that the country would be in complete economic chaos within the first year of his administration.

Then we have his ideas on foriegn policy (again naive and foolish), National Health Insurance (don’t even get me started on this one) and taxes (raising the Capital Gains Tax has been tried before and proved ineffective and unsucessfull).

The we have the issues of his dangerous associations and all the endorsements from people like Louis Farrakan, NOI, Black Panthers, Hamas, Kim Jong Il, Osama bin Laden. He may not have asked for those endorsments but the fact that people like this support and endorse him is very telling indeed.

Let’s see Rezco (set to be sentenced a week before the November election), Ayers (flag burning, fire bombing, self admitted terrorist who wishes they had done more), Auchi, Odinga, ACORN, Rev. Wright (God Damn America Rev. Wright) and the list goes on and on and on. Why is this guy associated with so many radical, terrorist types? Not to mention convicted criminals. How come they all seem to love Obama so much? Why do they flock to him in droves? You think maybe they recognize a kindred spirit?

To the person or persons who keep sending me comments threatening me and telling me to shut the fuck up: Dream on ! I will not shut up! If it was only that easy! In the words of the famous Tweety Bird “You don’t know me vewy well now do you?” Oh, and BTW, I am self employed so there goes that threat too! Tough day for you huh?



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This information is coming to light through the blogger’s network. I think it is extremely important that we get the word out about this. We are NOT saying that Barrack Obama himself is involved although we don’t know either way I would highly doubt it. I don’t think he would be so stupid as to be personally involved in this kind of thing.  Having said that what is being said is that at least three seperate IP’s linked to the Blogger accounts that were shut down by a coordinated spam flagging attack were traced back to mybarrackobama.com by law enforcement and are currently being investigated.

Citizen Wells has an excellent post on the matter:


Here is another from bloggasm:


Finally here is a link to macsmind where the proof was uncovered:


Truthfully I believe Senator Obama though he is not personally responsable, SHOULD DENOUNCE THIS KIND OF ABUSE OF THE INTERNET! I believe he should come out publicly and denounce this sort of behaviour and let people know it will not be tolerated on his official website. If he does not then he is by proxy condoning such behaviour!

This country was founded on the principals of freedom and justice for all. These freedoms include the right to free speech. If we have come to the point where free speech has become a luxury only to be enjoyed by those in power or those who can intimidate, harass, threaten and over-power the voices of the rest then we must act now to restore freedom before it’s too late!

It’s a very thin line these folks are walking. One blog, who shall not be named as I refuse to give them any more free publicity for thier disgusting site, makes no bones about the fact they feel they are free to post anything they want. I would agree with them to a point. That point, which they have gone way past, is where they feel they should be allowed this freedom but those who disagree with them are fodder for their jokes and their intimadation tactics, of which I myself have been subjected to and they include hateful and threatening posts, impersonating people I know in real life to send me threats and harassment. Impersonating me in other forums and blogs saying terrible things, claiming I will “never work again” (Funny since I am self employed. I don’t know who they think will fire me.)

They have called me a racist, a republican, bitter, xenophobic (This is really funny because the person posting that one seemed as though that word wuold be out of their normal vocabulary from the rest of the post.). They posted my personal information on their blog and all this because I visit the site of Larry Sinclair who they feel does not have a right to free speech.

As a matter of fact they are so against Larry Sinclair being allowed to express himself they have threatened his life, shut down his blogs with coordinated complaints and attacks, they have gone out of their way trying to have him arrested and have suceeded on one occasion so far, they have taken it upon themselves to call the Social Security Administration claiming that Larry is a fraud, a con man and should have his disability benefits (His only sorce of income. ) and his medical coverage denied.

So this is the rub. They are allowed to freely speak or write what they want but they are not allowed according to the law to stop someone else from excersising their own free speech. Nor are they allowed to try and interfere in someone’s life, job, financial situation or medical coverage! How is any of that OK by any standard?

Yes Obama supporters have the right to free speech. No they do not have the right to silence, harass or intimidate those who disagree!

Yes Larry Sinclair has a right to free speech. Yes Barrack Obama has the right to sue him if it is a lie.

No those idiots do not have the right to harass, intimidate and threaten Larry. No they do not have the right to interfere with his right to free speech, medical coverage and his lively hood just because they don’t believe him.

These people claim to be for freedom and the American way but it is not the American way at all to engage in such a thuggish and un-American behaviour.

We must expose these people/movements for what they really are bfore it is too late! If this kind of behaviour is tolerated even sanctioned by not only those who have the power to do something about it but also by the rest of us allowing this to stand then we will be seeing more of our hard won freedoms going by the wayside! We must stand up to the thugs and bullies and Senator Obama must do so also or he is guilty of condoning it by proxy!

Speak out people! Do not let this stuff stand!



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Once again the followers of the Golden Idiot have managed to squash free speech! The idiots at The Mitch & Nan Show (Again I refuse to link to this site and if you decide to go there spray yourself with lysol first.) have been creating havoc as usual.

As far as I can tell this site is dedicated strictly to hating, smearing and harrassing Larry Sinclair and anyone who supports or even visits his blogs. I say blogs because I believe this is the third time he has had to move to a different site after harrassment and false abuse reports made by these people.

The latest happened yesterday after Larry published an email from one Lynne DeBoth in Little Rock, Arkansas which clearly threatened his life asking 

 “One question, isn’t there anything we can do to get totally rid of Larry Sinclair?? Perhaps put out a contract on him???”

a clear threat to have him killed and as far as I know that is a CRIME. Solicitation of murder is a crime! WOW! I cannot believe that I feel I have to post that as it should be common knowledge! Yes it is illegal to suggest that someone “get rid of someone permanently”. Yes it is illegal to suggest hiring a contract killer! WOW! Who knew?

Newsflash to idiots! Threats are illegal and can and will be procecuted!

After they colluded to shut Larry’s site down again and then bragged about it online AGAIN, they began a campaign to smear and “out” CitizenWells by publishing personal information about a real estate broker in NC. They seem to “think” they are pretty smart. Snark!

Well while I’m on the subject I feel there is one huge question that needs to be asked. Is there no violation of TOS at GoDaddy.com where the nasty threats are being made? Does GoDaddy.com allow and endorse these kinds of things? Why have they not shut down The Mitch & Nan Show blog? Or is it ok by them to make death threats on their site? Are they prepared to be sued because of these actions going on un-checked? Another question. Why is it if you go to that site there is no button for GoDaddy as per reporting abuse ect.? Standard? Or perhaps M&N found a way to get around it?

Really! When will this crap stop? Are these people Obamabots (I suspect they are from many remarks I’ve seen posted there.) or just plain ‘ol fashion haters?

Whether you believe him or not (I do) the sheer amount of hate, stalking, harassment, threats, people calling law enforcement to try and get him arrested (again) and campaigning the SSA to get his disability payments stopped! I mean come on now! This is beyond ridiculous! It is very clear to anyone with one eye and half a brain that these are coordinated efforts. Attacks in fact. They not only admit as much in writing they brag about it!

I’m sure I’ll be the next target or somewhere on the list. They already published a list last week of names, email addresses and IP’s of everyone who visited Larry’s blog. That’s how I discovered them I googled my name and their site and list came up first! Boy was I angry as were many people who’s only crime was going to a website of a person they didn’t like. There are pending legal actions being taken by many of those who were harassed by these people. They were actually encouraging readers to investigate and harass the people on the list. IN PRINT! They were forced to take down the post but have since taken to the same tactics in smaller doses. Hoping to fly under the host’s radar I suppose.



Note to thugs you can’t stop the truth!


UPDATE: I forgot to mention that interfering in someone else’s disability payments is also illegal.

UPDATE: New post from Larry Sinclair with more information about this.


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Hillary has had far worse satire made about her and has had lots of mean spirited insults hurled at her in this election season and all along but especially when she was the First Lady. Didn’t hear Obama complaining about any of that. Nope he has comedians making jokes about menopause and ho’s.

Remember all those Hillary nutcrackers and the Bros before Ho’s T-shirts? How about the very real attacks she dealt with on a daily basis in the media? Like when they said she was only in the race because Bill had an affair or when they said she was pimping out her daughter? How about when she was ridiculed for her hairstyles, not being a cookie baker, her pantsuits, her laugh, her voice?

They compared her to their mother-in-law, their ex-wife at probate and wondered if America would stand for watching a woman president age? Sound familiar? This stuff was all sanctioned by the Obama campaign although they wanted us to think the oppisite.

He attacks and then claims everyone is attacking him. He and his big mouth wife say all kinds of crude, inappropriate things in public and even on video tape and yet they whine that it’s not fair to attack them like that when they are called on it. “I’m proud of my country for the first time in my adult life..” springs to mind as does “How can you run the whitehouse if you can’t run your own” or “He’s been my spiritual mentor”, “Typical white person”, “God Damn America”? Ok paraphrasing here but we’ve all heard it so many times we know it by heart anyway.

So it’s ok to critisize and attack his opponents and he will, if forced to, make some weak comment and try to brush it off or better yet insist that although yes, there was sexisim in the campaign, it was not harmful to Mrs. Clinton (OOOHH it really pisses me off when he calls her Mrs. and NOT Senator! It’s called RESPECT and she has earned it!) and furthermore, according to Obama, there was more than one woman who was battered by it. WTF???

Seriously, he can barely admit that Hillary had to deal with a plethora of sexisim and that he and his supporters were behind a lot of it. Yet we are supposed to feel sorry for Michelle because she got attacked for stupid crap that actually came out of her own f-ing mouth! 

Sorry! I don’t feel one bit sorry for her she brought every bit of it on herself. I DON’T condone sexisim ever and do not condone it against Michelle Obama any more than I do against Hillary Clinton. Having said that I can hardly see how they can complain about attacks for something one has actually said or done!

Oh, that’s right, I forgot. The Obamas are supposed to be special and to be treated with kid gloves. After all they are both where they are today because of affirmative action and special, preferential treatment. Before you start sreaming I will say I don’t have  a problem with affirmative action in general. I think it was created to try and level the field and hopefully it will eventually die a quiet and respected death after the field has been deemed at least mostly level. Having said that I don’t think it should have any place in our political election process.

When you are talking about electing the people to represent all of us and to be in charge of our country then I beleive it is our duty to elect the people we trust to do the job best and the people who have earned the right to do so with their service and commitment to this country. I don’t believe that means propping up someone who lost a contest by huge margins and calling them the clear winner and calling the actual winner of said contest a loser!  I don’t believe a 36 or a 41 point win is meaningless regardless of what the media idiots tell me.

I also don’t believe John Edwards when he says the party has spoken and so has he because it made no sense coming on the heels of such an astronomical loss. Every time he lost big we saw a trotting out of super delegates claiming he was the clear winner and we better get behind him. Yet if he were really the clear winner as they wanted us to believe we would not have needed them to come out and tell us so. It would have been obvious. You know like the DNC bias that’s as plain as the nose on your face.

These are the tactics of Senator Obama. Throw shit as far and as fast as you can then duck and cover. You can blame it on someone else and drive over them with your bus, ‘er I mean campaign. Cry that you are being persecuted for being black and then call everyone who disagrees with you, regardless of the reason a racist or republican and every word spoken or written against you  a smear whether it’s true or not. If they complain about the shit you threw at them just say that yes there was some shit but they were not the only ones who got some on them. So what if it was on your hands!  The last rule is the most important. If the media quits bringing you presents and starts depicting you realisticly come out with a statment saying that it’s tasteless and inexcusable making sure they don’t see your guys working on your next smear campaign.

Honestly, I don’t care much for the cartoon either but if Obama wants to run for president then he should be at least as tough as his competition and not expect to be treated like royalty or some spoiled, rich brat that people cow-tow to. In short grow up and deal with it because if he were to ever get elected this is probably mild compared to the attacks he would undoubtably endure as president. If you can’t take the heat….

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Well I don’t know about any of you but I had a decent weekend. It wasn’t too hot here in the high 80’s and low to mid 90’s. Nice but not too hot!

Apparently one of my posts 


was used by Obamabots on Yahoo answers as I had several visits yesterday from there I decided to see what was up. Kind of comical. The comments I mean.

What Will Obama Supporters do If Puma gets their way some how?

This Puma thing where they are pretty much black mailing the DNC to make Hillary the Nominee. I myself don’t think it will change anything. If they did that, I am sure some group that supports Obama would turn around and say the same thing.
But if some how Hillary pulls out an the nominee. How will Obama supporters react? Key word hear is Obama supporters, not Hillary supporters.

PUMA Call to Action; Let the DNC know you won’t be supporting Obama in November and OH, by the way we won’t be sending the DNC any money either https://caffinequeen.wordpress.com/2008/0…

  • 14 hours ago
  • 3 days left to answer.
  • Here’s the link:  http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AsJVEq9zdJUdgaG75EaSSYTS7BR.;_ylv=3?qid=20080713152431AAUHOKh

    Fricking Bots! I notice some Hillary supporters commenting there too! i’m still composing my own special  response. ;^0

    So they’re calling us blackmailers now! Hmmm! Wait a minute! I thought they said using the word black in any negative context was racism???? I mean if you can’t say black hole, black sheep and black-balled then they should not use such a word as blackmail right? Doesn’t that make them racists by their own standards?? I’m just sayin’!

    Funny how they see our demanding fair treatment for our candidate as extortion isn’t it? So then if things had been the other way around and their candidate had been robbed of rightfully earned delegates, constantly attacked and called a racist, persecuted by the media, and pretty much forced out of the race in spite of a long history in which no other candidate has ever been pushed and strong armed out of their right to compete they would not be demanding fair treatment, respect and the same treatment that every democratic candidate has been granted automatically in the past? They wouldn’t consider that blackmail now would they? The hypocrisy of these people is unprecedented! Apparently, if you drink the kool-ade, all judgement goes out the window and instead is replaced with a perverted sense of justice that only goes in one direction!

    I think I’ll just post a link to this post there instead of respondindg seperately. Unless that could be called racist…..   ;^I



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    These people are seriously scary!

    We have a couple of immediate basic tasks: Obama must be the Democratic Party candidate—By Any Means Necessary. We should plan to camp right outside of Denver during the Democratic Party’s Convention and hold anti-war demonstrations and our own left convention. If right wing Democrats try to force Hilary-Herbert Humphrey-Clinton on us we march on the convention and make sure Obama gets the nomination–By Any Means Necessary. In November, we must make sure Obama defeats the war criminal John McCain. And finally, after the election, we must be prepared to convene anywhere in the country (Florida, Ohio etc.) to make sure that the Supreme Court does not decide the contest.

    link to the entire post fromguess where? That’s right BO’s website!


    I think that constitutes a threat no? It has the added emphasis on the words ANY MEANS NECESSARRY leading me and probably anyone who reads it to think this is definitely a threat and it should be reported, investigated and dealt with as such. if it turns out that the campaign had anything to do with it there should be serious repercussions!


    PS I am taking a screenshot in case it gets scrubbed like so many other pieces of evidence!



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