
Posts Tagged ‘thug tactics’

I’ve been hearing for a while now the common theme that  the McCain/Palin camp is supposedly inciting racism, hatred and violence. See https://caffinequeen.wordpress.com/2008/10/08/newest-obamacrat-talking-point/  for more on this.

 It has even been “proclaimed” that Mac and his supporters are trying to get someone to assassinate The One. Total BULLSHIT! Just another “poor me the victim” claim from camp Obama and it’s just as false as all the rest.

I’ve read and heard many say that the anger expressed by supporters at McCain/Palin events is “out of control rage and racism” and that supposedly McCain isn’t doing enough to stop it. I’d say it’s more like they don’t want this socialist in control of the country and they are angry because the race is close when they think it should be a slam dunk for Mac against the worst candidate ever.

I feel the same way. I cannot believe the people who tell me they are not at all concerned about Obama’s radical associates, his connection to foriegn and domestic terrorists, his ties to ACORN (Yes he IS tied to ACORN in a very big way), his affection for radical religious leaders like Rev. Wright, Father Phleger, Louis Farrakkan and more. Mostly radical religious leaders who peddle hate speech as sermons.

Not only that but these are the same people (Obamabots) who have posted things on The Daily Kos and even the Official DNC website not only advocating but in some cases out right calling for physical and/or sexual violence against Hillary Clinton and many of these hateful posts are still on display for all to see while any reference to anything not positive about The One is immediately deleted and the user(s) banned and admonished as haters and racists.

Remember the “Bros Before Hoes” T-Shirts or all posts about “Hitlery” or all the times even MSM seemed to say she should be taken in a room by someone and “only he comes out”? I suppose that was in no way inciting hatred or violence?

This from the campaign that told supporters “I want you to get in their face”, and “if they bring a knife then we’ll bring a gun”. The wonderful candidate who has blogs from his supporters on his own website demanding that they commit to making sure Obama got the nomination “by any means necessary” and the same supporters who have written numerous blogs and essays about how “violence and rioting will ensue” if Obama is not the next president.

This from the guy that went to Kenya on the taxpayers’ dime to campaign for his cousin Ralia Odinga. You know the guy that lost his first attempt at power and incited race riots, ethnic cleansing and general chaos afterward claiming that the election was “stolen” from him though it was clearly not. The guy who won his second attempt in large part because of those tactics and the fact that he basicly bought the support of radical muslims by promising to install Sharia Law. The cousin who took notes from Obama on how to do this. If you don’t beleive me read up on Odinga. Or you can watch this video. 

Seriously these Obama supporters have been the nastiest, the rudest, the most hateful and violent I have ever encountered in an election cycle. They will threaten, stalk, hack whatever it takes to supress any views other than their own. I have heard of more death threats and threats of violence and various reprisals from Obama supporters than should ever be allowed and yet I have not once seen him try to reign them in.

Well , he did say that the families were off limits after his supporters and his official surrogates had already been smearing sarah Palin and her children for a week or so. It’s easy to speak out after the damage is done.

Suddenly telling the truth is racist and hateful. I had one message from an Obama supporter saying that she did not care one bit about his relationship with Bill Ayers and she wouldn’t care even if he were still doing the despicable things he did back then. It would have absolutely no effect on her decision making!

I have to wonder if these people are all complete nuts. Anyone who doesn’t care if the candidate they want to see in the white house has friendships with terrorists really isn’t smart enough to vote. Sorry but there it is. If you can seriously look at all his associations and think  nothing of it you are a fucking idiot of the highest order.

Seriously does this guy have even one friend or associate that is not either a criminal, a terrorist, a radical hate monger or a far-left nutjob? Not even one normal friend?

How many of us would have this number of anti-American leaning friends? All we hear from camp Obama is how he’s the poor widdle victim of hate and wacism and the mean ol repubwicans are trying to kiwl him! (Sorry for the tweety bird speak I just can’t help it)

Ever notice no matter what happens or who says or does what Obama attacks then claims he is attacked. he is always the “victim” and those of us who love America and democracy are always the “bullies”. Funny because if you look around you won’t see threats from Hillary Clinton supporters or from McCain/Palin supporters. That is unless you consider people saying they won’t vote for Ovbama a threat. I don’t. I call it a promise!



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Thanks to patrick for the link. Just when you thought we had enough problems in ourown country with people trying to qell dissent and free speech.



WND Exclusive

Kenya detains Corsi during Obama probe
Officials scuttle WND reporter’s news conference on investigation

Posted: October 07, 2008
7:26 am Eastern

© 2008 WorldNetDaily


WND senior staff writer Jerry Corsi

NAIROBI, Kenya – The government of Kenya is holding WND senior staff reporter Jerome Corsi in custody at immigration headquarters after police picked him up at his hotel just prior to a scheduled news conference in which he planned to announce the findings of his investigation into Barack Obama’s connections in the country.

Corsi, the author of the No. 1 best-selling book “The Obama Nation,” was picked up by authorities at his hotel at 9:45 a.m. and detained at Nyayo House, the provincial headquarters for Nairobi.

“Just as we were about to start the 10 a.m. press conference at the Grand Regency Hotel in Nairobi, Kenyan immigration approached us and detained us,” Corsi told WND by telephone this morning. “Tim Bueler, my publicist, and I are now in the immigration offices, with our passports taken. The immigration officer told the press, ‘There is no problem, and Dr. Corsi is a friend of Kenya.'”

“There are unconfirmed reports from on the ground in Nairobi that Jerome Corsi and his traveling partner and publicist, Tim Bueler, have left Kenya,” said Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND who was in touch with Corsi by telephone and email until 9:30 a.m. Eastern today. “However, we have not been able to reach either Corsi or Bueler for several hours, and we are concerned. Officials in Kenya have not been responsive to our requests for information. We also hear unconfirmed reports from the government claiming it has ‘deported’ Corsi. Since Corsi was scheduled to leave the country today, this would seem to be a strange action from a government that was well aware of Corsi’s presence, his travels and his activities in the country for the last week.”

Corsi had extensive meetings with top Kenyan officials upon his arrival. His visit and his activities during his stay have been well-known to authorities at the highest levels.

(Story continues below)


A senior immigration official in charge of investigations, Carlos Maluta was quoted by the Associated Press as saying: “We still haven’t decided what to do with him.”

Despite reports elsewhere to the contrary, Corsi has not been arrested or charged with any offense.

An official with the Embassy of Kenya in Washington said he was unaware of Corsi’s detention. The Ministry of Immigration in Nairobi could not be reached for comment. WND tried again, later, to contact a spokesman for the embassy and was told by a receptionist the official word is that Corsi was not detained. “He’s enjoying his holiday in Kenya,” she said.

Get the book that started it all – Jerome Corsi’s “The Obama Nation,” personally autographed, for only $4.95, only from WND and only today!

Obama has a long history of connections in Kenya, where his father worked as a government economist. Corsi documented this history in his book and went to Kenya to find answers to lingering questions – particularly about the links between the presidential candidate and Kenya Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

Corsi had promised a news conference today that would “expose details of deep secret ties between U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and a section of Kenya government leaders, their connection to certain sectoral groups in Kenya and subsequent plot to be executed in Kenya should Senator Obama win the American presidency.”

Meanwhile, the management of the hotel where Corsi was scheduled to hold the press conference has repudiated its plans to provide the facility.

In a press release, the hotel said: “We would like to assure our business partners and the public at large that Laico Regency Hotel is a law-abiding institution and does not condone any smear campaigns. The management cannot allow such activities to take place.”

Sen. Barack Obama with Raila Odinga

Corsi told WND he has been assured he will be released soon. He had planned to leave the country tomorrow, arriving in London first and the U.S. Friday.

A hotel worker in Nairobi told Reuters Corsi was picked up as soon as he walked into the hotel for the scheduled press conference: “He was walking in and then some immigration officers who were following him snatched him. It happened so fast, they just vanished with him.”

“Obama is revered in Kenya for his paternal roots here and as a flagbearer for Africa on the international stage,” explained the Reuters dispatch.

Kenyan TV station KTN said Corsi may be sent home due to lack of a work permit. However, Corsi met with top officials in Nairobi earlier this week explaining in detail the purpose of his visit and sharing copies of his news releases and books.

Corsi told WND Editor Joseph Farah by telephone that Kenyan authorities claimed they were holding him because the immigration forms his party filled out for customs had been lost.

Corsi was set to show Obama and Odinga have been in direct contact since the senator’s visit to Kenya in 2006. He was to claim Obama advised Odinga on campaign strategy and helped him raise money in the U.S. for the Kenya presidential campaign.

Corsi was to report Odinga’s 2007 presidential campaign strategy called for exploiting anti-Kikuyu tribal sentiments, claiming victory and charging voter fraud even if the campaign knew the election had been legitimately lost. Odinga, Corsi said, also was willing to fan the flames of ethnic tribal tensions and use violence as a last resort by calling for mass action that led to the destruction of properties, injuries, loss of life and the displacement of over 500,000 Kenyans. The purpose was to compel the Electoral Commission of Kenya to declare him the winner or enable him to declare himself the winner by force.

Even though Odinga has not fulfilled his campaign promises to the Muslims who voted for him, he continues to cause concern among Kenyans because he has not declared his position on Shariah law, Corsi said.

Corsi said Obama remained in active phone contact with Odinga through the New Hampshire Democratic Party primary in January. The Illinois senator continued to support Odinga, he said, turning a blind eye to an agreement signed with Muslims and the post-election violence instigated as part of the campaign strategy.

I hope Mr. Corsi makes it out of Kenya in one piece and with even more damning information on Obama!


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 A few words about justice and justification.

People can find a way to justify pretty much anything. The only requirement is the ability to momentarily (or in some cases permanently) suspend reality. It’s like a different facet of denial in that way.

Consider this, Al Capone, notorious mobster, murderer, breaker of the law, considered himself to be a misunderstood and persecuted individual who , in his own words, was a “great benefactor to the people”.

I guess he thought that his running of the gambling, prostitution and illegal liquor establishments was somehow a humanitarian effort. All those murders committed by him and at his request were obviously acts of “public service” and he should have gotten the keys to the city!  

Apparently to Capone the law and it’s enforcers were unfairly and unjustly persecuting him because they expected him to obey the laws of the land and they intended to stop him and prosecute him for not doing so. I suppose every criminal in the prison system probably thinks the same way. It’s part of their make up. If they admitted to themselves, or anyone for that matter, that they were in the wrong they might be forced to really think about their actions and the repercussions of them. Thus to them they are innocent and wronged by the system.

The Justice system sees things quite differently indeed. If you break the law you will pay the price. Message: Don’t break the law and you won’t have a problem.

We’ve seen an awful lot of this in the last 19 months. It seems lots of law breaking has been “justified” and gone unpunished.

A prime example is the recent hacking into the personal email account of Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin. It’s old news to anybody who surfs the net and it’s starting to get some exposure on MSM. Her personal email account was hacked, password changed and screen shots of her emails, contact list, photos of her family and email addresses and cell phone numbers of her family were published on the web by the hacker.

I have heard time and again from Obama supporters that the hacker was supposedly justified because there were reports she might be using her personal email to hide work related things she doesn’t want the public to see. Bullshit! Even if that were the case it is for officials and law enforcement to find out not some snot-nosed college punk who proudly calls himself an Obamacrat.

We are not allowed to take the law into our own hands in this country for a reason. So even if the allegations were true (the hacker himself admitted there was nothing incriminating in the emails) it is not the “job” of non-professionals to break the law to find out.

I have also heard that Sarah Palin supposedly “deserved” it or that this should prove she is incapeable of being VP because her email was hacked. First off who deserves to have their privacy invaded? Second how in the hell is that her fault or does it prove that she is not up for the job? Someone broke the law and invaded her privacy but we’re told that this makes her unqualified?

So what about when Obama’s, Hillary’s and McCain’s passport info was accessed illegally?  (by people connected with the Obama campaign no less) Wouldn’t that make Obama unqualified too by those standards? I mean if it makes Palin unqualified how come Obama was just a “victim” when it happened to him? Answer: because according to Obama and the Obamacrats he is ALWAYS the victim in any circumstance. It’s just a given.

When ever there is any question they automatically give the points to their guy just like the RBC meeting in May when the DNC gave Obama the uncommitted delegates and then the gave him 4 delegates that Senator Clinton earned even though his name wasn’t even on the ballot. Yup! And they broke their own sunshine rules to do it with a secret vote during their 2 1/2 hour lunch break.

Oh but they were “justified” in doing so because, well, because they wanted Obama to win. We’re up to here with their “justification”.

This is far from the first time Obama and his supporters have broken the law. Hillary supporters have been hacked, threatened, had their blogs shut down, been kicked off of previously democratic web sites that are nothing more than Obama shills now and the list goes on and on. Alot of these activities are illegal but we’re told that the Bots are justified and if we didn’t have the sites there they wouldn’t be able to hack them. It’s our own fault according to these people because we won’t just shut up and go away.

So I guess in their view if you speak out against them or speak out for what is right you are standing in their way and according to them that is a crime. I have news for them it is not a crime to refuse to vote for someone. It is not a crime to speak out for what you beleive is right. In fact is the opposite. Speaking out against corruption and evil is a civil duty of the highest order!

Then we have the fact that the hacker in question turns out to be the 20 year old son of a Democratic Senator from Tennessee. According to one MSM source he says “he was just playing around” and there are supposedly no charges being filed? That’s what I heard on CBS last night anyway.

I don’t care if he was playing around or not it is a crime to access someone’s personal correspondence and it should be treated as such. Plus they said he was the son of a “prominent democrat” but failed to mention just how prominent. Just one more example of how Obama has the media in his pocket.

If this was my email account, or yours, or anybody else’s they would be steaming mad and rightly so. Why is it only a crime if it’s against Obama but not when it’s against his opponents? This kid should be prosecuted for breaking the law and the media should be honest about the fact this is a crime and who his father really is. We are tired of them protecting the politicians they want to protect and crucifying the ones they don’t.

Actually we are tired of the media as a whole period. They should just go find jobs as hot dog vendors or carnival workers and leave the news to real journalists with scruples and ethics.

What about the crime Obama committed by trying to stall the troops withdrawal from Iraq for his own political gain? It is a crime. It is a felony. He violated the Logan Act. It is treason.

Thanks to Shtuey at http://ohmyvalve.blogspot.com/ for the excellent video!

Not to mention the fact it’s about as phony and hypocritical as you can get to campaign on the whole “Stop the war and bring our troops home” all the while wheeling and dealing behind the scenes to manipulate the public.

I suppose IF we hear anything about it from the MSM it will be somehow “justified” too. I suppose Obama is “justifying” any deaths that occur because of the delays caused by his meddling as a sacrifice that must be made in order for him to gain control and therefore “save” us! Pfffft! Don’t even get me started on that one!

Every single one of the soldiers serving overseas is worth more than a hundred Obamas! Every single one of them is out there fighting to protect the rights Obama would bargain away at the drop of a hat and issue some lame “justification” afterwords. He is not worth the spit they shine their boots with!

On a lighter note I found this on http://harddriller.wordpress.com/2008/09/20/new-nickel-design/ while tag surfing!

It was just too funny not to steal!


Oh such sweet truth!



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You know I’ve been back and forth with this many times over the last year or so. Should I just change my registration to Independent or Unaffiliated? Or should I stay a Dem because the only way I can affect real change is from within? Many of my fellow Dems and Hillary Supporters have been agonizing over this for quite a while now. Some have already left the party and I, for one, consider it a great loss.

Many of us have been considering who to give our votes to as we know we will not be voting for Obama. Most of us have been subjected to ridicule, scorn, Internet flaming and even real threats, stalking and in some cases abuse. We’ve lost friendships and family over it or at the very least those relationships are strained.

I’ve had several friends who have tried to convince me “for my own good” of course that it doesn’t really matter what happened in the primaries that it’s over now and I should just move forward.

In my experience “moving forward” is not going to do anything other than condoning the fraudulent process that got us here and therefore rewarding and inviting more of the same. If they get away with it this time they will use more voter suppression tactics and threats and intimidation to subvert the process next time. You can count on it. If you give in to it you are feeding it and it will grow.

You do not fix a problem by ignoring it’s existence or by allowing it to go on unchecked.

I have other friends who say I just need to get over my anger. Hillary lost, she endorsed Obama end of story. He has a D beside his name what else do I need to know?

Did she really lose? Who won the popular vote? Who got the most votes of any primary candidate ever? Why do Caucuses only represent about 3% of the population but they are allotted delegates in the same manner as primaries which represent a much larger percentage of the population?

What was the final delegate count really? I mean BEFORE the forced and scripted roll call that was halted for a fake show of unity. The pledged delegate count was very close before Obama decided to restore Michigan and Florida to full vote status yet they never reported how that changed the actual delegate counts.

The media and the DNC swept all that under the rug since they were already busy planning how to spend the profits they intended to make on this Obama Gravy Train.

Not to mention the uncommitted delegates and the four Clinton delegates that were given to him in Michigan even though he was not on the ballot. Now that those were full votes it makes twice many delegates he gained by fraudulent methods. It’s twice as many delegates for Hillary too. She won both states hands down. 

I  don’t think that’s something I want to get over. The day when there is no outrage at cheating will be a cold day in Hell in my book and the books of many, many people in this country.

Truthfully for many of us it ceased to be about Hillary Clinton on May 31st, 2008. That was the day it became about so much more than Hillary vs. Obama it became about right and wrong. it was the shock of seeing our “leadership” distort the rules and pervert the process in order to spot Obama a few points because I guess they knew he would need them to “win” that created the outrage and the movement that is PUMA.

They have only themselves to blame. In a democratic society cheating will always cause outrage. You could say it’s the expected reaction even. The fact that it was carried out by our own side does not make it acceptable. I feel as strongly about it as I do Rev. Wright and his racist, anti-American rants. There is no context in which that is acceptable.

Most people in this country are decent, hardworking people who care very much about the difference between right and wrong. They work very hard to live by those values and to instill them in their children. Party makes no difference to those people but truth does. As does honesty, integrity, loyalty and compassion. These are things most people feel very strongly about regardless of their typical voting preferences. Things like these are deal breakers.

I have also heard the Roe v Wade argument to death. Won’t happen, we have a Dem controlled congress. The Supreme Court Argument. The Palin is pro-life argument. I don’t know many republicans that aren’t so why would they think this is news? I’ve heard them all.

I’ve also gotten a chorus of defensive stuff too over the exposure of Obamabot behaviour. For instance my last post that linked to Hillbuzz and the video of Democratic Underground posters and their EBay listing of Sarah Palin’s 4 month old baby. Of course the fact that this was on a Democratic blog and the posters were long time members with 1000+ posts each would NOT suggest to me that this is a Republican strategy. Someone is faking it to make the Dems look bad. No it would not suggest that to me at all but you be the judge. Some people! Eyes rolling!

The other things they do also like the recent discovery by the custodian at Invesco Field of 84 trash bags filled with American flags, Obama/Biden campaign signs, empty pizza boxes and other assorted trash. The custodian found them in the dumpster and called around eventually getting in touch with the Veterans and the Boy Scouts who sorted, rolled and recycled them by handing them out at a GOP campaign event. Flags that people did not want to keep were to be donated to be placed on Veteran’s graves.

The fact that Democrats who were touting this convention as the “Greenest Ever” would be so wasteful and that they would treat our flag with such disrespect is appalling to most people. I have heard though that this too must have been republicans, that everybody throws flags away, that they were supposedly “stolen” and intended for reuse. I’ve heard that it wouldn’t have been the Dems’ fault the custodian would be to blame. Obviously they didn’t read the part of the story where it said the custodian found them in the dumpster and I saw photos they were not being recycled they were in with the garbage.

Anybody remember when Obama went to Oregon and his people set up a port-a-potty on the memorial for a fallen police officer? That was probably republicans too. I know LOTS of republicans who go around volunteering to help set up for Obama events. (Sarcasm OFF.)

I can identify with that a tiny bit however because I know my friends are really just in denial. They do not want to admit to themselves that people could do these kinds of things and the idea that it could be members of the party you have held dear and worked hard for, been a loyal soldier for, well that’s a bitter pill to swallow.

I have a feeling though that swallow it they will. They have 54 days to let it sink in. 54 days to decide to do the right thing. I’m confident many of my friends will do just that because in the end they are decent, hardworking and compassionate people. They will not legitimize the atrocities that took place in the name of a win at any cost quest for power. They will not give their votes or their trust to those who cannot be trusted.

Obama and his supporters will understand in November when people go to the polls with determination to do what is right and what is best for our country.

In the end it is far less important who you vote for than who you vote against.



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I got this link from Howling Latina:


Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, September 4, 2008; Page A19

ST. PAUL, Minn., Sept. 3 — Democrats officially warned Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.) on Wednesday that he could face repercussions for delivering a speech at the Republican National Convention in which he called Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama an “eloquent young man” who lacked the experience to be in the White House.

Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) said that Lieberman’s status within the Democratic caucus is in jeopardy.

“Senator Reid was very disappointed in Senator Lieberman’s speech, especially when he appeared to go out of his way to distort Senator Obama’s record of bipartisan achievements in the Senate,” said Reid’s spokesman, Jim Manley. “The Democratic caucus will likely revisit the situation with Senator Lieberman after the elections in November.”

Read the rest at the link. It seems to me that the democrats are forgetting who they’re talking about here. Joe Lieberman is no stranger to these threat tactics. Remember the reason he’s now independent is because the dems ran someone against him for exactly the crime of not going along to get along. The crime of speaking his mind and taking off the partisan hat once in a while. They took his democratic primary but he came back as an Independent and won. So I think he’s demonstrated he doesn’t put up with bullies.

I guess too that they forgot without Joe caucusing with the dems they lose their majority. They need him More than he needs them I’d say.

So typical of the Obamacrats and their Borg tactics. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile. Please! So their answer to the fight the Right Wing is to use the very strategies of strong arm control they decry is used by their enemies? Do I really have to go into all the ways and all the reasons this is a flawed strategy at best?

Way to go guys! Keep it up with your angry demands I’m sure it’s going to work for you. (Rolling eyes and smirking sarcastically)


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This one has been simmering for a while now. I have been a Dem all my life. I am a Dem because of what they stood for. True democratic princials like equality for everybody, We the People, One Voice, One Vote, the lifting up and support of the middle and lower classes. In fact Democrats as I knew them were the ultimate good guys. They stood for eliminating classes and making all Americans truly equal.

We have some great examples to look up to in our party. Some great people who inspire us and make us strive for those great causes the party aspires to. Names like Franklin Delenor Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John F Kennedy and Bill Clinton the only two term Democrat president in the last fourty years, just to name a few. In my opinion we as democrats need to go back to our core and really find and hone our message of equality and opportunity, the message that these great leaders were so passionate about instead of reverting to the childish and disgusting tactics that have been taking place in this election cycle. In particular I am talking about the last few days since John McCain announced Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate.

The internet has been abuzz with rumors flying about like millions of flies on shit. Sorry for the crude reference there but it’s truly appropriate I think. The Obamabloggers and even the media pundits (most not all) have been going on and on with things that are so not in line with the message they preach.

They claim they are the party who treats women as equals (Hillary supporters would say different) yet they are starting rumors that Gov. Palin’s last child was really her daughter’s and that she lied and faked a pregnacy and childbirth to cover it up. (Gotta admit it’s hard to fake a childbirth! There was a hospital and an attending Dr after all.) They even started passing around photos and discussing if she were “fat enough” to have really been pregnant and if her daughter looked “fat enough” to have been the mother. How progressive and liberal of them.

Then they moved on to saying her son was born with Downs Syndrome because of supposedly bad pre-natal care. WTF? How would any of them be privy to the quality of her pre-natal care? Again sooo progressive and liberal. Feminist even. Snark!

Now Gov. Palin has disclosed that her 17 year old daughter is pregnant and they are standing behind her for making her own decision to marry the father and have the child. The Bots are saying how terrible that she has a daughter unmarried and pregnant as if it is not a part of life. Terribly progressive of them also to critisize not only this young girl but her family for standing by her and John McCain for knowing about it and still having the gall to pick this woman for his running mate.

I think it shows how much this woman stands by what she says. The daughter chose to keep her child and the family chose to support her. Sounds to me like she walks the walk of someone who believes in family values. Contrary to the bot’s belief that this makes her some sort of hypocrite it actually shows that she would not turn her back on her daughter in a time of great need as to do so would be for more hypocritical.

The fact that McCain knew ahead of time and still picked her shows that he cares about more than just “appearances for politics’ sake” and that what Gov. Palin brings to the ticket is more important to him than what some bigoted people who would rather throw the girl to the wolves think. In other words her intellect, integrity and strengths are what he made his choice on.

If, like me you might have wondered where some of this stuff originated I will link to a site that did some digging into this. Before you say it I know this is a conservative site. They, unlike the Dems will stand up for their own so they have gotten to the bottom of it. If there were more liberal sites that would be brave enough to publish this stuff and digg into it I would have linked to them but the so called liberal siteslike DailyKos and HuffPoand the reat of the Obamaphiles are the ones spreading this crap as you will see below.


Nice huh? I mean that it’s definitely Obama supporters is bad enough but they were even stupid enough to re-direct the traffic to Obama’s website is beyond belief. Again I must say how progressive and liberal and pro-women’s rights all this crap is. NOT!

I have heard it all from the smears mentioned above to the other aguments that I’ll go into here. The Obama team and supporters were obviously knocked for a loop here. They did not expect, have a plan for or react to this in anything even resembling a demeanor befitting a presidential candidate.

The Dems are quickly becoming everything they claim to hate these days. Who are the real hypocrites here?

I’ve been told that it’s just shameful that McCain only picked her to win! Imagine that. Did they think he was trying to pick someone who would cause him to lose? It’s a clear case of pandering! Well what do you expect? Isn’t that what politicians do? Try to get your vote?

She doesn’t have experience. Yeah because you know actually being a Mayor or a Govenor where you really have to make executive decisions is not helpful experience at all. I suppose Mr. Inexperience himself who’s very thin record is all legislative and not anything resembling actual leadership skills at the top of the ticket is okbut someone with more actual experience as VP is not. Do they realize how dumb this argument sounds?

Then there’s the totally sexist response about the fact she’s a former beauty queen, has five kids (how irresponsible! Yeah and not in line at all with her pro-family, pro-life political stance. Eyes rolling) her children, particularly the youngest who has special needs and they aren’t really sure if he’s her’s or her daughter’s might suffer because of her run for VP and the job if she gets elected. Hmmm very pro-women’s rights there. NOT!

Even scarier they claim is that she could be a heartbeat away from the actual white house and be in charge of the nation! McCain could croak at any moment the shout gleefully! Do I even have to go into how many ways this is just wrong? Is it even remotely progressive or liberal or even decent to be gleeful about someones perceived imminentdeath? Hardly. The thing about how she could be in control well what’s wrong with that? She’s a woman? Is that the problem? Really? From the progressive party?

If it’s experience they have no right to go there. If it’s her family having an un-wed teen mother to be in their ranks then Mr. “raised by a single mother” has absolutely no ground to stand on. Oh, and if it’s because she’s a former beauty queen and pretty how the hell does that reconcile with or reflect on the Democratic party? Please! As if looks are what makes the person. She’s not going for America’s Top Model or anything and she went to college and has done pretty well for herself so the brainless bimbo tactic is not going to fly. Sooo progressive.

I also heard the argument that it wasn’t fair to pick her and she got special treatment by being promoted to this position because she’s not qualified. OMG! I nearly blew a gaskett the first time I read one of these opinions! You mean special treatment like awarding delegates to someone who wasn’t on the ballot? Or maybe like giving delegates earned based on actual votes cast to another candidate? Maybe like having someone add your name to a whole bunch of legislation that you had nothing to do with so you can pad your nearly non-existent resume? That kind of special treatment? Pot? This is Kettle…you know the rest.

And the unqualified thing I can’t believe they would go there with all the questions on so many fronts as to Obama’s qualifications for the job. Do they not see the total idiocy of this approach? They are only shining light on their own candidates flaws with this line of attack. They are shooting themselves in the foot and doing it with fervor that is unbelievable. This guy really is more “evangelical” in some ways than the folks who are actually characterized as evangelicals. I mean to say he seems an awful lot like a Jim Jones style Preacher in a crazy, we’re right and everybody else is wrong revival tent with the cult of followers and their fanatical devotion to him. They will do anything for him including the smearing of people with lies and stereotypes they claim to hate.

There seems to be a consensus among Obama supporters that since Hillary suspended, endorsed and went along with their sham roll call vote and faux unity for her party’s sake that those who don’t jump ship and join the Obamaphenomina are not true democrats and that we aren’t true Hillary supporters. They want to believe this because they want to believe the lie that Clinton supporters are falling in line like good little soldiers. I’m not denying that some are but the majority I talk to are not by any means going to vote for Obama. They are varied in their plans for November 4th. Some will stay home, write in Hillary, vote 3rd party and yes some will vote for McCain/Palin. Hillary can do what she must but we will each do the same.

I recently had a Obama supporter tell me in a forum I have belonged to for years (btw this person had just joined and had 12 posts all that day all that thread yet they called me the troll) that I don’t “get to call myself a Clinton supporter if I don’t support Obama”. I let them know in no uncertain terms that I get to call myself anything I please and they do not get to define me. A friend there male, libertarian and believe it or not very anti-Clinton told them in no uncertain terms what to do with that attitude. He said I could quote him so here it is:

> “She can call herself any-damn-thing she wants to —
> first of all — and second — just because Hillary
> gives some ass-saving speech telling everyone they
> should support Obama and anyone who thinks that is
> prima facia evidence of Hillary’s real position
> probably has their head so far up their ass they
> can’t see daylight.
> But, hey, have a nice day & hopefully you’ve got
> other tricks up yer sleeve besides being a shill for
> Democrat unity. “

Far less polite than most of my fellow PUMAS like to put it but the meaning is the same. Hillary is doing what she has to and what she feels is right. Each of us must also make our own choices and we will. Nobody has to right to tell another person how to make that choice. It’s personal and it deserves to be respected. That is one of the core principals the party I have always known holds dear. Or at least they used to.

I guess the one silver lining to all this is it will shine the light bright on the tactics of Camp Obama and the utter hypocrisy and sexism that is more prevalent than any of us would have liked to think existed in this day and age. The light will shine on elections and the need for reform of the system and of the parties. For sure you know this stuff will no longer be dismissed as just a bunch of disgruntled Hillary supporters exaggerating about abusive tactics. Now that they are using this line of attack? Or maybe they think it’s a defense? The republicans will see to it that people know all about it in great detail because that’s what they do. Plus we all know the media LOVES the republicans and they believe everything they say. OK I’m exaggerating there but since it’s no longer perceived to be about Hillary it will get coverage and that’s a good thing.

Unless your a member of Team Obama that is. I will never join that team. I like the ideas and I still look up to the people who have represented our party so well. There are many wonderful, passionate and brilliant democrats still around and alot of them call themselves PUMAS. They are waiting for the current party leadership to finish their self destruction so we can get down to reforming our party and adhereing to the values we once stood for. Those democrats are not going away and because leadership decided to do everything but the right thing they will teach the leadership and the party a lesson. It will hurt but the alternative would be far worse. Those who would sacrifice all that The Party and Democracy stood for only to acheive a means that was not worthy will regret their decision in time. In any case they are not my concern. My party and my country are my concern and I will work to defeat anyone who would hurt either one.



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Okay in keeping with the title of the post I will say I’m happy we are moving toward a world where these things will someday not matter. The Democrats are officially the first major party to nominate an African American for POTUS and this will go down in the history books for that reason! Congrats to African Americans, the Democratic Party and all Americans for that! Hopefully we will soon be at a point where this becomes so commonplace it is a non-issue. A nation that values it’s people based on their character and their contributions not their race, religion or gender.

Now on to the OTHER reasons this election cycle will go down in history some of which are not nearly as noble or celebratory. What am I talking about you might be asking?

This election cycle will definitely go down in the history books as the year when the Democrats moved as far away from the concept of democracy as they possibly could without actually changing the party name to Kommies for Amerrikka! The tactics used in this primary season were straight from the GOP playbook with one major exception.

The GOP has a rule: Never use dirty tactics against other Republicans. Against the other side it is expected, even encouraged. By all means use every dirty, underhanded, manipulative and fear-maongering tactic at your disposal against the “enemy” whether they be Dems or Independants, Libertarians or The Green Party. Mission seek and destroy! But never, nver, ever use those tactics to attack a fellow Republican!

This year during the primary season we saw caucus manipulation  (really in many instances it was out-right cheating, coercion by intimidation and the use of learned and practiced “shout ’em down” thug tactics),  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGZFgMNM-UU   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXNqFQmGxDU&feature=related 

Voter Registration Fraud ACORN and CSI (Volunteers were in some cases filling out registration sheets and forms with random names from the phone book or just made up to insure they got paid. Apparently they were paid according to quotas as in per X amount of registrations. Brilliance I tell ya’!), http://noquarterusa.net/blog/2008/08/20/money-laundering-scandal/  http://noquarterusa.net/blog/2008/08/22/acorn-%e2%80%93-csi-%e2%80%93-obama-someone-else-noticed/

Race-bating including portraying the only Two-Term Democratic President in the last 40 years and someone who has done more for racial equality and the black community than The One ever has or will as a racist. This tactic was used, falsley, against Bill and Hillary Clinton and anyone who supported either one of them or anyone who did not support Barrack Obama. The smearing of good Democrats with proven records of fighting good causes and striving for equality and a better life for all Americans was done not by Republicans as we are used to but by our fellow Democrats who used this as a club to beat the competition with.

All through the primaries we were deluged with Clinton hate and smears against the former Clinton Administration all the while being told that it was Hillary and Bill who were “smearing and fear-mongering”. They went on and on about things like the supposed “tarnishing” of the party by the Monica scandal and the “anything to win” tactics they accused the Clinton campaign of all the while trying very hard to smear and erase all the truly good things that were accomplished in the 90’s.

You know things like eliminating a huge deficit and leaving an actual surplus. That in itself was an unprecedented achievement. Things like improvements to our educational system, programs for families with young children and the pride we felt about our reputation in the world.

I could go on for quite a while on the things that the Clinton Administration did for our country. Things that sadly have been squandered and left by the side of the road like unwanted trash by the current administration. People had jobs, were able to pay their bills and buy homes.

Back to the race baiting here’s the real kicker. No matter what criticism was made about Obama it was all immediately branded as racist. He’s inexperienced – Racist, He’s an elitist – Racist, Tire gages won’t solve the energy crisis and bring down gas prices – Racist, not qualified – Racist, Rezco, Wright, Farrakkan, Auchi – all Racist claims according to camp Obama. FISA, Cheney’s Energy bill and his stance on the Born Alive Act – Racist. In fact by now you should be able to see a pattern here.

According to the Obama camp and the “powers that be” (DNC Leadership) any and all criticism of The One is deemed Racist and politicly incorrect regardless of whether or not it’s true. Got it? He’s PERFECT! Anyone who says otherwise is… you guessed it, racist. Did you get the memo folks?

From: DNC

To: Voters

There is no reason to vote against or refuse to support Obama that is not motivated by racism and bigotry. End of story. This is the official party line and is the ONLY sanctioned response. Please keep in mind that we are the PROGRESSIVE party and as such NO DISSENT will be tolerated! Party members choosing to ignore this edict will be subject to threats, intimidation and possibly the stripping of credentials as well as expulsion from the party.


Howie, Nancy, Harry and Donna

P.S. Don’t forget to donate!

Okay, okay! So it’s not a real memo but it could very well have been and it’s definitely been implied.

Meanwhile it was never said but always understood that these same rules did not apply to the distinguished Senator from New York. In fact it was open season on Hillary Clinton, former President Clinton and the legacy left by his administration. Camp Obama tried with all their might to re-write the hisory of the 90’s as a hard and terrible time fraught with shame, scandal and poverty.

Well folks as a person who was actually old enough to be paying my own bills in the 90’s I can tell you that NONE of that was true. There were plenty of jobs, the banks were not going under every other day, people could afford to purchase homes for their families and even afford to send those families to college. Our country was actually respected as a leader in Democracy and Diplomacy. Something Obama has no clue about.

That’s why it hasn’t stuck. Try as they might to paint the Clintons with a terrible legacy of a failed economy and national history the facts speak otherwise. LOUDLY!

Here’s is another reason this will go down in the history books. This is the first election to my knowledge where Democrats not only attacked fellow Dems but decreed any and all dissent must be squashed by any means necessary. Long time Democratic websites and blogs began ceremoniously kicking out members who expressed displeasure with the candidate de’ jour. Blogs were spam bombed in coordinated attacks that the attackers actually bragged about on their own sites.

Even the normal political attack ads that we typicaly see every election year have been not just scrutinized but demonized and even now camp Obama is threatening legal action against the donors of a 527 group for making an ad that frankly, tells the truth about The One’s close relationship with one William Ayers. (Remember Obama said he was just some guy in his neighborhood?) In fact Obama’s first political campaign was launched from the very same William Ayers’ home in Chicago!

That’s right he wants to put the people who made the ad and those who contributed money to the group behind bars for daring to speak against The One, for speaking the truth!

Here is the first letter to the station managers:


Here’s a post about the entire fiasco:


Then apparently they sent a second letter actually threatening legal action against the stations airing the ad, the group who made it and the donors who contributed. I’m trying to find the link to the second letter. I should know to save these things! If anyone else has a link please post it and I’ll add it in.

Here it is.


And finally the rebuttal from the groups legal advisors:


My how progressive and liberal of the Obama people! How Democratic! I’m so glad they believe in free speech and all!

Thanks to Obamabi.com for the video.

Seriously folks these people are far worse than even the Republicans. Democrats do not quell dissent! They do not quash free speech and they do not use coercion, threats and propaganda techniques to control and distort messages!

At least REAL Democrats don’t! Obamacrats? Well that’s another story! These people have more in common with Hitler and Stalin than FDR or JFK. They would never have tried to shut people up from their own party and they never would have stood for treating other people, much less Democrats, with anything less than the respect any American deserves!

Shame on Barrack Obama and his followers for this will surely go down in the history books as the time when our party lost it’s way and turned to facism rather than using actual principals, facts and decency to argue their case!

There’s always more but I’m going to stop for now.



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I’m so tired of all the sore loser and bitter dead-ender comments out there. They want to spin this party implosion as being all about Hillary Clinton’s supporters being “spiteful”.

I know you’ve seen it. It’s everywhere. According to these commenters we are voting against Obama only to spite him because he “won” and Hill “lost”. I guess they got tired of calling us racists and republicans. Maybe it was getting old and not sticking. Now they’re on a “spoiled brat, spiteful, sore loser, bitter, old hag” stchick.

When will these people ever figure out that name calling, guilt trips, scare tactics, threats and intimidation is NOT the way to win votes or recruit support? Did they ever hear the phrase “You will catch more flies with honey than vinegar.”? Guess not.

Here’s the truth. Are we pissed off that Hillary Clinton the distinguished Senator from New York, former First lady of the USA and the best candidate to come along in years is not our party’s nominee? Damn right we are! Are we voting against and refusing to support Obama soley because of that anger and dissapointment? Hell NO!

There may be a few Clinton supporters who would disagree with me and say it’s their only reason but truthfully there are very few who feel that way. Sure we’re all bummed but I was bummed when Kerry won the nomination in 2004 as I have been bummed many other times but I still voted for him.

Recently I had some coment made asking me whether I would have voted for George Bush out of spite if it had been Hillary who lost the nomination to Kerry. Answer? NO and Hell NO! He wasn’t my choice and I didn’t like it but I voted for him. Why? I trusted him more than I would ever trust Bush. I didn’t like him that much but he was by far the lesser of two evils in that situation. This is NOT the case in this election cycle. Far from it in fact.

People who try to tell me that Obama’s policies are “nearly identical” might as well save their breath because it’s bullshit. His policies, are a parade of ever changing pandering that even some of my far left friends who supported him are having a hard time keeping up with. Whatever they are today you can rest assured they will be different tomorrow or as soon as it becomes politically expedient that he change them. Again.

Pure and simple, straight from this horse’s mouth, so to speak. We will not vote for him because he is not the right person for the job.  He is not even close. No choice for VP, not even Hillary would have ever made up for that. We don’t think he’s up for the job and more important than that we DO NOT TRUST HIM!

He has proven to be naive at best in his reaction to the current Russia/Georgia conflict as well as incompetent on almost every other major issue. Were he to become the POTUS it is my sincere belief that the country would be in complete economic chaos within the first year of his administration.

Then we have his ideas on foriegn policy (again naive and foolish), National Health Insurance (don’t even get me started on this one) and taxes (raising the Capital Gains Tax has been tried before and proved ineffective and unsucessfull).

The we have the issues of his dangerous associations and all the endorsements from people like Louis Farrakan, NOI, Black Panthers, Hamas, Kim Jong Il, Osama bin Laden. He may not have asked for those endorsments but the fact that people like this support and endorse him is very telling indeed.

Let’s see Rezco (set to be sentenced a week before the November election), Ayers (flag burning, fire bombing, self admitted terrorist who wishes they had done more), Auchi, Odinga, ACORN, Rev. Wright (God Damn America Rev. Wright) and the list goes on and on and on. Why is this guy associated with so many radical, terrorist types? Not to mention convicted criminals. How come they all seem to love Obama so much? Why do they flock to him in droves? You think maybe they recognize a kindred spirit?

To the person or persons who keep sending me comments threatening me and telling me to shut the fuck up: Dream on ! I will not shut up! If it was only that easy! In the words of the famous Tweety Bird “You don’t know me vewy well now do you?” Oh, and BTW, I am self employed so there goes that threat too! Tough day for you huh?



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