
Archive for October 8th, 2008

Told you this would be the next talking point!

From http://rallygrrrl.wordpress.com/2008/10/08/palin-uses-hate-to-motivate/

The ‘dangerous road,’ however, is not just a generic attack on Sen. Obama’s trustworthiness or honesty.  Rather, the McCain campaign has chosen to stand before campaign rallies and accuse Sen. Obama of hiding sympathies with domestic terrorists–to accuse their opponent, essentially, of being a terrorist.

With the McCain campaign now using the Palin stump speech to accuse Sen. Obama of hiding a terrorist agenda, the McCain campaign has staked its future on rhetoric that skirts the boundary between character assassination and incitements of actual violence against their opponent.

Inspiring progress is good. Inspiring assassination is bad. Ironically, this kind of rhetoric actually makes Palin sound like a domestic terrorist herself.

Idiots abound! Seriously Palin remarked that Obama “pals around”with a domestic terrorist not to promote hate or incite violence. No! She points this out because it is TRUE!

Apparently to Obamacrats she was promoting hate and inciting people to assassinate Obama! How and where did they get this out of the statements made by Sarah Palin? See if you can read any of that stuff out of this statement.

I see nothing in that that would incite hate or violence. Now even though Obamacrats will say it’s all so untrue, it’s a smear, a travesty, a character assassination, “I mean Barrack was 8 years old!” and all that standard crap, the fact remains that William Ayers is in fact an unrepentant terrorist, the only reason he is not rotting in jail for his crimes is a technicality in his trial and he has said publicly on many occasions that he is not sorry and he wishes they had set more bombs.

I don’t care that Obama was 8 when Ayers did this but I do care that Obama, the adult has had a long, working relationship with this man and continues to do so completely aware of what he did and the fact that the man is still not sorry to this day and in fact said he did not want to discount the possiblility that he could do such a thing again in certain circumstances.

Obama sat on the board of the Woods Foundation and the Annenburg Challenge with Ayers, they live in the same neighborhood, they not only know each other Obama’s political career was launched from Ayers’ living room. The organizations they served on together gave money to ACORN, Trinity United Christian Church, Louis Farrakkan and the Nation of Islam, Kahlidi and others.

You know it would be one thing for the bots to say this is just guilt by association if in fact Ayers were someone who had admitted his crimes, repented and asked forgiveness for them. It would be one thing to say it’s just a smear if in fact Ayers was “just some guy in the neighborhood” and not the long standing association that is the case here. Ayers in fact does not consider the bombings and acts of terror crimes and is even quite proud of them. As for repentance or forgiveness you can forget that too. In fact Ayers was quoted on Sept. 11, 2001 as saying he “wished they could have done more”.

I could forgive someone who once did something wrong as a young, idealistic, college student if the student actually grew up and admitted that they were wrong and he regretted his actions. I cannot forgive a man who insists to this day he was right and does not regret any of it.

I’m also tired of bots saying that no one died as a result of the bombings. That is total BULLSHIT! People did die. People went to prison. In fact it really wouldn’t make it any more right if they did not kill people but they did. Here’s a video that tells a bit more of the story about Obama’s buddy Bill Ayers.

Hmmm. Sounds to me like far more than just some angry college kids protesting. Protesting the war I understand. Bombing buildings, violence, disregard for innocent bystanders I will never understand or tolerate. Could you be “friends” with a guy like this? Really? Not me. Never. Period.

So you have to ask yourself how is it that Sarah Palin referring to the well known fact that Obama is friendly with and has worked with Bill Ayers, the fact that they have given speeches at the same events, the fact that Obama launched his career from Ayers’ living room translate to “The republicans are trying to incite assassination!”?

Answer: It doesn’t but the Obamacrats want you to think it does and they want to razzle, dazzle you into looking away from the facts. They would have you believe that it’s all some right wing conspiracy designed to promote race and class wars and to incite violence. In fact it is the far left who have been flirting with turning this into a violent revolution and they have not been shy about it. Brazen is a word you could use to describe some of the blog posts I’ve read urging people to use “any means necessary” to get Obama elected.

Then you have all the threats of the havoc that will suposedly ensue if the election is lost, “stolen” from Obama. You know his cousin Ralia Odinga in Kenya has had very similar campaigning “techniques” and to be brutally honest the violence that ensued after Odinga lost a bid for the presidency and claimed it was “stolen’ from him were terrifying and cannot be allowed to go on here.

Obama is the least patriotic, most dangerous and the least qualified candidate we have ever had. We have never had a presidential candidate with so many ties to so many extremist and criminal people!

Yet the media and the DNC continue to spoon feed us with the “he-is-the-greatest-thing-to-come-along-since-sliced-bread” and “if-you-critisize-or-question-him-you-are-a-bigot with-qestionable-motives” memes. It amazes me that in this day and age so many people still wait for the media to tell them what to think instead of thinking for themselves. If anyone can get through this election cycle and not see that the media are not credible sources in fact they are basically all about the ratings and the advertising revenues well , they are either naive, hiding out in a cave or lying to themselves.

Long gone are the journalistic standards we came to depend on like say, Walter Kronkite for one. If we have learned anything it is not to trust the media. I suggest that we also suspend the trust in the leadership of the DNC at least in it’s current form as they are the schmucks who got us into this situation by nominating a complete and utter fraud.

Many say that if Obama loses and we have four more years of Republican control it will be the fault of Hillary and PUMA. I say to you no that it is/will be the fault of the DNC for discarding the only candidate with a chance of winning and the candidate who had the solutions to fix what ails America.

They discarded a candidate with a true servant’s heart, one that had the desire and willingness to serve the people (all of them) of America to instead nominate a candidate who is far more like a spoiled brat with a huge ego and an overblown sense of entitlement.

In short they axed a candidate who longs to serve to nominate a candidate who longs to be served. (Think of teenagers who want to live in your house and let you pay the bills while they drive the car you bought for them and eat the meals you cook and serve and wear the clothing that you paid for and launder for them…getting the similarities here?) Can we really expect anything good from someone with his almost child-like insistence that he “voted” against the war ( He wasn’t a senator yet so it wasn’t an option at the time) and he toured Europe and lived in Indonesia, Plus he ran his campaign so that qualifies him and we are never to question this! To question is to admit you are a card carrying racist! Can we expect any quality results from a candidate of this calibur?

The republican candidate, John McCain and his running mate Sarah Palin also have a desire to serve. Like “my” candidate, Hillary, they want to serve their country while Obama wants the country to serve him, his buddies and his socialistic ideas that serve the same.

Our choice this time is of the greatest importance! The outcome of this election is make or break for Democracy as we know it! It usually comes down to the lesser of two evils but this time that difference is so much more stark! The stakes have never been higher!

I will vote McCain/Palin to defeat the evil that is Obama. This is not an easy or a happy decision but it is the right one. No Obama. No Way. No How.


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