
Archive for October 11th, 2008

I’ve been hearing for a while now the common theme that  the McCain/Palin camp is supposedly inciting racism, hatred and violence. See https://caffinequeen.wordpress.com/2008/10/08/newest-obamacrat-talking-point/  for more on this.

 It has even been “proclaimed” that Mac and his supporters are trying to get someone to assassinate The One. Total BULLSHIT! Just another “poor me the victim” claim from camp Obama and it’s just as false as all the rest.

I’ve read and heard many say that the anger expressed by supporters at McCain/Palin events is “out of control rage and racism” and that supposedly McCain isn’t doing enough to stop it. I’d say it’s more like they don’t want this socialist in control of the country and they are angry because the race is close when they think it should be a slam dunk for Mac against the worst candidate ever.

I feel the same way. I cannot believe the people who tell me they are not at all concerned about Obama’s radical associates, his connection to foriegn and domestic terrorists, his ties to ACORN (Yes he IS tied to ACORN in a very big way), his affection for radical religious leaders like Rev. Wright, Father Phleger, Louis Farrakkan and more. Mostly radical religious leaders who peddle hate speech as sermons.

Not only that but these are the same people (Obamabots) who have posted things on The Daily Kos and even the Official DNC website not only advocating but in some cases out right calling for physical and/or sexual violence against Hillary Clinton and many of these hateful posts are still on display for all to see while any reference to anything not positive about The One is immediately deleted and the user(s) banned and admonished as haters and racists.

Remember the “Bros Before Hoes” T-Shirts or all posts about “Hitlery” or all the times even MSM seemed to say she should be taken in a room by someone and “only he comes out”? I suppose that was in no way inciting hatred or violence?

This from the campaign that told supporters “I want you to get in their face”, and “if they bring a knife then we’ll bring a gun”. The wonderful candidate who has blogs from his supporters on his own website demanding that they commit to making sure Obama got the nomination “by any means necessary” and the same supporters who have written numerous blogs and essays about how “violence and rioting will ensue” if Obama is not the next president.

This from the guy that went to Kenya on the taxpayers’ dime to campaign for his cousin Ralia Odinga. You know the guy that lost his first attempt at power and incited race riots, ethnic cleansing and general chaos afterward claiming that the election was “stolen” from him though it was clearly not. The guy who won his second attempt in large part because of those tactics and the fact that he basicly bought the support of radical muslims by promising to install Sharia Law. The cousin who took notes from Obama on how to do this. If you don’t beleive me read up on Odinga. Or you can watch this video. 

Seriously these Obama supporters have been the nastiest, the rudest, the most hateful and violent I have ever encountered in an election cycle. They will threaten, stalk, hack whatever it takes to supress any views other than their own. I have heard of more death threats and threats of violence and various reprisals from Obama supporters than should ever be allowed and yet I have not once seen him try to reign them in.

Well , he did say that the families were off limits after his supporters and his official surrogates had already been smearing sarah Palin and her children for a week or so. It’s easy to speak out after the damage is done.

Suddenly telling the truth is racist and hateful. I had one message from an Obama supporter saying that she did not care one bit about his relationship with Bill Ayers and she wouldn’t care even if he were still doing the despicable things he did back then. It would have absolutely no effect on her decision making!

I have to wonder if these people are all complete nuts. Anyone who doesn’t care if the candidate they want to see in the white house has friendships with terrorists really isn’t smart enough to vote. Sorry but there it is. If you can seriously look at all his associations and think  nothing of it you are a fucking idiot of the highest order.

Seriously does this guy have even one friend or associate that is not either a criminal, a terrorist, a radical hate monger or a far-left nutjob? Not even one normal friend?

How many of us would have this number of anti-American leaning friends? All we hear from camp Obama is how he’s the poor widdle victim of hate and wacism and the mean ol repubwicans are trying to kiwl him! (Sorry for the tweety bird speak I just can’t help it)

Ever notice no matter what happens or who says or does what Obama attacks then claims he is attacked. he is always the “victim” and those of us who love America and democracy are always the “bullies”. Funny because if you look around you won’t see threats from Hillary Clinton supporters or from McCain/Palin supporters. That is unless you consider people saying they won’t vote for Ovbama a threat. I don’t. I call it a promise!



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Boston Boomer posted this video at the Confluence. http://riverdaughter.wordpress.com/2008/10/10/why-william-ayers-and-bernadine-dohrn-matter/#more-6803

It’s a video with clips from a 2004 documentary about the Weather Underground and what they were really all about. Protesting wars and unfair actions is not wrong but using violence and bombs to do so is, not to mention criminal. Please watch this video and then judge whether or not you think the Ayers/Dorn connection is important. Remember Ayers has stated many times publicly that he is not sorry and he wishes they had done more. Not only that he will not rule out the possiblity of similar action in the future.

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