
Archive for October 23rd, 2008

Hat tip to Ace over on Uppity’s site. This video is chilling to say the least.

Hmmm! Not long ago I had quite an argument with a friend about how O and his Bots were just the new Natzis and would be carting dissenters off to camps. She said I was “crazy” or “right-wing” that Obama would never. Then we heard about the Missouri Truth Squad and their threats to “go after” anyone daring to air negative ads about The One.

We also talked about Bill Ayers who she fondly called a “distinguished scholar and proffessor who had simply excersised his right to protest an unjust war” as if he were just some guy standing around at rallies with a sign and a megaphone. But as you can see Ayers and his organization The Weather Underground did far more than protesting at some rallies.

It is an undisputed fact that they set bombs and some of those bombs killed people. The Bots have tried saying that they didn’t kill anybody or that Ayers was not personally involved in the instances where people died. Total bullshit! Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dorn were fugitives for a decade and only escaped prison on technicalities. Ayers founded and ran the group.  As such he was responsible for all the bombings and acts of terror carried out by this group!

Bots will also tell you that Ayers and Obama are NOT cnnected other than living in the same neighborhood r that they barely know each other. WRONG! Obama launched his career from Ayers’ living room and They workerd together very closely on the board of the Woods Fund and the Annenburg Challenge during which they funneled money to ACORN, Trinity United Church of Christ and many other radical groups. The main focus was supposedly education but in reality it was to propmote radical change in the public school system in the vien of political and social ideas rather than actual educational goals. Obama wrote a blurb for one of Ayers’ books. They shared an office for a time.

Obama has always looked up to Ayers and has treated him like a mentor. I can see why he doesn’t want us to know that though. Because it looks bad. It looks bad because it IS bad!

The Bots scream “Guilt by association” yet there’s an old, and wise saying. Birds of a feather flock together. All the birds in the flock Obama hangs with seem to be radical extremists and criminals, people who hate the rest of us. I have not yet seen one of his “good friends” that is a credible and decent person. Rezco, Wright, Kahlidi, Auchi, Odinga, Ayers, Farrakkan, Phleger and the list goes on and on and not one of them I would invite over for dinner!

Let’s make this viral. The truth needs to be told loudly to get heard over all the lies and media crap!

Nobama in November! Country 1st!



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Cross posted from Uppity Woman’s blog:

Ludicrous Race Card Of The Week Award: Calling Obama a Socialist is “Racist”. Nice Try. No Cigar.

Well, yet one more Obama news guy (surprise!), who is an Obama sycophant named Lewis Diuguid  (ironically rronounced Do Good),  has weighed in with the infamous

Race Card.

It is now decreed that calling Barack Obama’s plans “Socialist” is Racist.  He said it’s a racist “Code Word”.

No kidding. You can’t make this shit up. 

McCain and Palin should be ”Ashamed of themselves”.  In other words: Just shut up Or You are Gonna Get The Race Card!

Let’s see, now. At this point, the only “racist” thing left for McCain and Palin to do is: Inhale and Exhale.

Inhaling and exhaling is racist. Stop this right now all you people who don’t support Comrade Obama!

So, calling someone’s platform Socialist is racist. Who knew??????

All righty then.

I started to surf the net to find out who the prominent Socialists were. You know, so I could point out the black ones. I tossed in Marxist and Communist, etc.,  just to preempt the next Race Card. After all, they are all part of Barack Obama’s endorsement package these days. Let’s face it. They were all the same anti-Democracy theories, one  laughingly “improving” on the other.

It all started with the French, you know.

Let’s see, there’s this guy Henri de Saint-Simon. He was this French Utopian Socialist Thinker. Here he is. Ugly as hell but looking kind of…well…white.

Ok maybe they weren’t referring to him. How about that guy Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. Socialist philosopher and anarchist. His most notable idea: Property is theft. Here he is:


Dang if Proudhon doesn’t look like just another crazy white guy to me. Ok, maybe they weren’t referring to him. Because he’s definitely  Not. Black.

Let’s see…….ok here’s a guy from Wales named Robert Owen. He was one of the founders of Socialism. Here he is. Dang he’s a nutty white guy too!  Not. Black.

Scratching my head here….. Gosh, even the great Romantic Poet Yeats was a Socialist. But he was white too.

Ok Ok, Gotta stick Karl in here because, besides bouncing off the walls, he bounced off of Owen’s Utopia  idea.  Karl Marx, author of the Communist Manifesto. Hereeeeeeeeeee’ssssss Karllllllll, looking like he carries fleas. Karl was definitely  Not. Black

There’s Fredrick Engels. Hey, maybe he wasn’t white. Ooops. He was. Seriously  Not. Black.

Ok here’s Benito Mussolini the black Italian nutcase. Ooops, wrong again!  Not. Black.

Ok, Ok, I’m not going to give up. I have just GOT to PROVE that calling someone a Socialist is Racist.

I know! How about Stalin!

Dang! White! Good lookin’! But definitely  Not. Black.

Ok let’s reach a little. Um ….OH! I know! How about Lenin!??

Aw Geeze, White again!

I can’t find a single famous black Socialist! Dang!

I know Que, worshipped by so many of Obama’s supporters, is definitely not black. See? Here he is, looking all macho on his horse.  Not. black.

Now I know that Chairman Mao wasn’t black and North Korea’s Dear Leader isn’t black either. Neither is Fidel Castro. Definitely.  Not. Black.

Adolf was Not. Black. Although he was certainly charismatic wasn’t he?

So, could somebody please tell me how it is that calling Barack Obama a Socialist is a Racist thing to say? I’ll wait…….


Congratulations, Mr. Diuguid!!!! You win the Ludicrous Race Card of the Week Award! I mean don’t let the fact that Barack has been endorsed by the previously dead American Socialst, Marxist/Leninist and Communist parties stop you from pulling that old card, ya hear????

I mean, just because he wants to redistribute wealth and ran in 1996 on the Marxist AKA “New Party” ticket is no darned good reason to call him a Socialist either, right?  Just because millions of immigrants came here to the USA to get away from most of the guys mentioned above is no reason to be concerned, right?

That would be Racist!

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