
Archive for October 27th, 2008

And here we have a reporter who is actually doing her job! Barbara West with Channel 9 News in Florida askes Biden some real and tough questions about his Marxist and Socialist tendencies! It’s about damn time!

Folks the station has been bombarded with angry Obama supporters and the Obama campaign has said the station will not get any more interviews with Democrats “at least through the election”! Well! I guess they told Channel 9! How dare they report the news or ask REAL questions?


You can call or write to thank them for their integrity and give support.

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This is from Hillbuzz and it is unbelivable! Warning the language written in some of these actual photos may be offensive. I would ordinarily not post stuff like that on this blog but it’s importantthat people see what is really happening in all it’s vulgarity!









Nice huh? Obama tells them to “Get in their faces” and we keep hearing and reading the words “by any means necessary” well apparently his followers are takng him at his word!

I can tell you this much I have 5 dogs and they are not little ankle biters either! They would not have let anyone get this close to my home! First the dogs would get them then my husband would chase them off with his double barrel shot gun! If they were really lucky he might just use rock salt!

I’m quite sure that we won’t be seeing this on the evening news. They will probably lead with yet another false story about people at McCain/Palin events threatening The One with bodily harm even though NO ONE will collaborate because it isn’t true! The media expects us to buy their BS hook, line and sinker and feel obligated to vote Obama becuase “poowr wittle Bawarck” is the Victim! Excuse me while I puke!

On a happier note my husband says he will dress up as Obama for Halloween and promtly announce that he is dropping out of the race! Oh, how I love that man!  🙂



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Pumas, Disappointed Democrats, Just Say No Dealers listen up!

At the end of the Democratic Primary season, this was the situation:

Popular Vote
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton: 17,857,446,  (48.04%)
Senator Barack Obama: 17,584,649  (47.31%)

Pledged delegates

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton: 1,730.5 (39.17%)
Senator Barack Obama:  1,747.5 (39.55%)


Then, for no apparent good reason, in June Howard Dean and Nancy Pelosis decided THEY, not the delegates chosen by the electorate and not the superdelegates appointed via proper party procedure, were going to decide who would represent the top of the ticket for the general election. Now that same leadership wants YOU to legitimize their undemocratic and unprincipled methods by putting their selected candidate into the White House on November 4.

But WE can say no to the subversion of democratic principles within the Democratic Party. We can say no with our votes and by urging our fellow Democrats to pay attention to the particulars of the candidate Howard Dean and Nancy Pelosi selected to represent the Democratic Party.

Put this ad on the air and let America know that our voices count.

Over the next 24 hours and across the internet, we as a community will urgently be raising money to run edgy and persuasive ads made by http://tdg.typepad.com/democrats_for_principle_b/ in key battleground states. Generous contributors have pledged $500 in matching funds. Your voice counts. Please contribute now.

Please go to Democrats For Principle Before Party !!!http://tdg.typepad.com/democrats_for_principle_b/– The Denver Group’s general election website, where you can donate to the cause and view other ads the group is running!

It’s more important than ever! Go PUMAS!


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