
Archive for October 18th, 2008

That’s right! He may be a registered Republican but like Sarah Palin and others he has been maligned and mocked, he has had his privacy invaded and his personal information spread throughout the world wide web for all to see. In short he has become the target of the Obamabots.

We PUMAS know what that’s like. We know it quite well. You need not commit a crime, no all you have to do is question The One or speak out against him and you will soon find yourself in the same situation as Joe.

The only “crime” Joe the Plumber committed was asking a simple question of the Democratic Candidate for president. He wanted to know how Obama’s tax plans would affect his future. He wanted to know why if he worked harder and was successful he would be punished for that success. He wants to buy the business he’s been working for and he wants to keep the fruits of his labor. ( Imagine that! He wants to keep the money he earns! How scandalous! )

Obama basically mocked him and said we need to “spread the wealth around” said a bunch of hoo haw crap and basically he told Joe that if he is successfully through his hard work the tax plan would take some of Joe’s hard earned money and spread it around to those who weren’t so successful. Because you know Joe should feel bad and somehow guilty that those people aren’t successful right? I mean it must be Joe’s fault if some of those people don’t work or don’t achieve success on their own and Joe and the rest of us should be responsible for them right? Spread the wealth around!

And he wonders why people are calling him a Socialist or Marxist or just flat out the next Hitler! Yeah I said it!

Next we have the Media, Obama’s personal 527’s, jumping on Joe too! We’ve heard it from Biden too. “Well Joe doesn’t actually make $250,000 so he won’t be affected by the tax plan.”

NEWS UPDATE FOR OBAMA SURROGATES, SUPPORTERS AND THE MEDIA: It doesn’t matter how much money Joe makes or doesn’t make or if he would be affected by the tax plan. He has every right to ask the question and as a voter he deserves the respect of not only an honest answer but to not be attacked simply for asking! Obama wonders why people hate him?

There it is in print! Voters deserve respect from a candidate and any candidate of any worth knows that! You don’t ask for their votes and attack them publicly if they disagree or question you! It is not typically an incentive for support. He has to be the densest candidate ever to not see this simple, obvious truth.

They ( Obama supporters AND the MSM ) have now dug up everything they could on Joe the Plumber. We now know that Joe is his middle name and where he has lived previously. The Bots on Daily Kos have listed his address, the value of his home, his proffessional status, his tax liens, divorce records and all kinds of other private information that they have made public. A whole page dedicated to threads about Joe the Plumber.


Nice huh? They also went way overboard with Sarah Palin as we know but she is a public figure seeking office so some ( not all ) of that was to be expected but Joe the Plumber and so many more of us are neither yet the Bots seem to live to smear, threaten and harass all who refuse to worship their Idiot God.

What’s next? Joe the plumber T-Shirts? Probably already printing them. November can’t come soon enough!


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That’s right folks this is not just voter registration fraud. it’s actual election fraud because these kids are registering and voting from Ohio even though they don’t live there to take advantage of the early voting and registration laws there. And they are of course bragging about it online. What a waste of education.

Plus they know they have a great friend and ally in the Secretary of State who is trying to block any attempts to verify voter’s registrations. She claims that verifying registrations would somehow suppress the vote. It very well could suppress the votes from those who have registered illegally. You know like 14 year olds, felons, the dead, all the Disney characters and other fictional people as well as these college kids and the others who registered to vote when they don’t live there. I’m all for suppressing those. How about you?

Bot’s have been saying ACORN registration fraud is “okay” because it’s supposedly only frauding the employer for money and not actual voting fraud. This has been their claim and justification for ACORN for a while now. “Well they didn’t actually vote so they didn’t do anything wrong.” WTF?

Well they can’t say that anymore.


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